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Michigan Election Canvasser Blows Whistle After Being Threatened by Democrats

In this incredible development, a member of Wayne Country’s board of canvassers is now protesting against unexplained “out of balance” totals. ‘Out of balance’ means that more voters voted than there were registered in the country.

The whistleblower explained that canvassers (responsible for certifying election results) must be given a plausible answer as to why the balances didn’t match. She voted ‘no’ and was then attacked by her canvasser colleagues from the Democratic Party who then accused her of “racism” and partisanship. She was then doxed, and then personally threatened by Democrats, including threats to her family and her employer.

Officials promised to get an independent audit, and so she voted ‘yes’ on the motion for an independent audit. To make matters worse, the Zoom meeting between election officials was mysteriously muted – so public could not hear the motion which was made. The drama continues to intensify. Watch:

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