21st Century Wire says…
So it begins. There will be a few days of respite, some reflection and much speculation, but by Thursday the possibility looms of some serious civil unrest in Greece – but not necessarily coming from the Greeks who voted for Syriza, but from banker and foundation-funded agent provocateurs and ‘anarchists’ – shipped in to advance social chaos on the streets of Athens and beyond.
Mainstream media are reporting that “stock markets around the world have tumbled in light of the Greek announcement today”. In Greece the final straw has been pulled, and the banks are now closed and capital controls are now in place.
Keen to ramp up the political pressure against Syriza, major European and British press are running inflammatory headlines like “Siege mentality setting in around Greece“, in hopes that the media can help to turn the people against the Syriza government, by inciting a clamour for “regime change”, in which case, the EU Mandarins will seeks to install another “technocrat” – rather than let democracy and financial sanity to run its natural course in Greece.
Syriza’s leader Alexis Tsipras took the airwaves this morning (see full video below) to reiterate that Greece will not submit to the EU’s economic and currency straitjacket.Indeed, this is exactly what the Greeks elected Syriza to do, and in true Spartan fashion – that is to stand up against the foreign financial overlords.
Greek banks are expected to stay closed until 7 July – after a scheduled referendum on the terms of a new bailout program.
Let’s hope that cooler heads prevail…
The Greek government has announced that banks will remain closed on Monday and restrictions on withdrawals will be introduced following the ECB refusal to provide additional Emergency Liquidity Assistance to Greece’s banking system.
“The Eurogroup’s decision prompted the ECB to not increase liquidity to Greek banks and forced the Bank of Greece to recommend that banks remain closed, as well as restrictive measures on withdrawals,”Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras told the nation in his Sunday night address.
“The bank deposits in the Greek banks are entirely secure,” he reassured. “This holds true for the payment of wages and pensions as well.”
Banks are expected to remain closed for the whole week before the Sunday referendum on the bailout conditions set by Greece’s creditors.
There will be a daily 60 euro ($66) limit on cash withdrawals from cash machines, which will reopen Monday afternoon, Reuters reports citing a government official.
Online transactions will be allowed only within Greece while foreign transfers will be prohibited, the official said.
The German foreign ministry is suggesting that tourists traveling to Greece “take sufficient amounts of cash” when visiting the country. The British Foreign office urged their citizens to do the same, warning travelers “of the possibility that banking services – including credit card processing and servicing of ATMs – throughout Greece could potentially become limited at short notice.”
(…) In light of a lack of a foreseeable resolution to the Greek crisis, two of the Eurozone’s strongest economies, France and Germany announced that they will hold an internal crisis meeting on Monday.
President Francois Hollande will have discussions with “restricted cabinet” ministers on Monday for an emergency session.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel is scheduled to meet with German parliamentary parties to discuss German policy in relation to the Greek crisis.
Meanwhile, Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis has told the newspaper Bild, that Merkel holds the“keys in her hand” to secure a deal with its international lenders.
“The government leaders in the EU have to act,” Varoufakis said. “And among them, she, the representative of the most important country, holds the keys in her hands,” he said, referring to Merkel.“I hope she uses them.”
Facing extreme criticism from EU for the decision to hold a referendum on the proposed deal, Varoufakis explained Athens’ decision to hold the vote.
“We couldn’t accept that proposal but also couldn’t simply reject it in view of the importance of the matter for the future of Greece,” he said. “So we decided to turn to the citizens: to explain our negative position but to let them decide.”…
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