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Unholy Alliance: US Government and The Drone Industrial Complex

Patrick Henningsen
21st Century Wire

Drones are fast becoming the favourite default tool for the majority of aerial US military missions

This sort of remote control military technology seems to streamline perfectly with a left-wing government which inherited not only two war theatres, but also the free-floating, abstract conflict without end – the War on Terror.

It’s the ultimate non-stick weapon for the ultimate ‘Teflon President.’

Now add to this the new roll-out of artificial intelligence (AI) in drones fleets and we have a potentially dark future on the horizon…

No more wiggle room: Drone wars a knockout punch to US credibility

Patrick Henningsen
RT OpEdge

This week saw the most extraordinary scene materialize in Washington DC. Nine-year-old Nabeela ur Rehman, from North Waziristan in the remote tribal region of Pakistan, arrived to a media blitz.

She came to tell her own personal story to the nation, in front of the US Congress and national media, of drone horrors and the savagery of America’s secret assassinations overseas. Accompanied by her family, Nabeela told the story of the day her grandmother, a 67-year-old midwife, was killed by a US drone strike while tending her garden.

There is talk of financial compensation being awarded to the family, which US officials are keen to avoid because of the flood of claims which might follow even one single, official admission of guilt on their part.

Almost certainly, someone, somewhere is setting up a special new ‘NGO’ to handle US drone compensation funds should they ever be awarded. But direct payouts to victims might upset certain Pakistani officials, as such restitution would bypass the main financial beneficiary of US counter terrorism policy in Pakistan – corrupt factions within the Pakistani security services and military who’ve already received billions is US dollars over the last decade in order to assist Washington in its famous War on Terror…

Continue reading this article at RT.com

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