21st Century Wire says…
The GOP field for the 2016 US Presidential race looks to be taking shape already…
Bilderberg member and globalist Governor Rick Perry, who ran for the GOP nomination in 2012, appears to be repositioning himself for another run for the White House, held a large public rally this week in San Antonio, announcing that he will not seek another term as governor of the Lone Star state.
On lookers commented on the campaign-like atmosphere at Perry’s San Antonio rally, which looked more like a forward effort than a retirement announcement.
Perry was a GOP front-runner during the 2012 race, until a public gaff torpedoed his run, which saw him drop out, later endorsing the eventual party nominee Mitt Romney. In addition to Perry, other prominent GOP personalities are also being touted as a likely candidates including Florida Governor Jeb Bush, and Senator Maro Rubio.
The 63-year-old Republican, is the longest-serving governor in Texas history, is aligned with Christian conservative values on issues like abortion and appears to be an advocate states’ rights over federalization. In contrast, Perry has been a driving force behind North American Union measures like the NAFTA super highway which is set to run through Texas.
One of Perry’s most controversial moves as governor was his decision to sign an executive order mandating girls in the state receive what many experts claim is a high-risk ‘HPV’ vaccine – a move caused a major backlash, and exposed his intimate relationship with the large pharmaceutical multinationals. Many saw such aggressive executive action as a bailout for big pharma by forcing the state to buy millions of units per year.
A number of establishment media outlets are already speculating that Perry’s 2016 run is already in the works.