21st Century Wire says… Under the media storm cover of the Boston Bombings, Obama has quietly sent 200 US special forces troops into Jordan to assist the terrorist rebels in their regime change plans for neighboring Syria. We believe these are merely the first wave of black ops and openly announced boots on the ground, ready for a further green light for direct intervention in Syria…
Around 200 U.S. Army planners will be dispatched to Jordan as the conflict in neighboring Syria worsens, U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told a Senate hearing on Wednesday. Hagel, however, communicated deep misgivings about direct American military intervention in the Syrian civil war. The United States has an obligation to think through the consequences of any U.S. military move in Syria and be honest about potential long-term commitments, he added.
His comments were the latest indication that, while President Barack Obama’s administration continues to plan for various scenarios in Syria, it remains wary of an intervention that could mire America in a proxy war. “You better be damn sure, as sure as you can be, before you get into something. Because once you’re into it, there isn’t any backing out, whether it’s a no-fly zone, safe zone … whatever it is,” Reuters quoted Hagel as saying to