Modern democracy was 700 years in the making – and took only 40 years to dismantle
The Runnymede Institute
March 7, 2011
If her Majesty happened to be au fait with Morse Code, she would be blinking S-O-S each time she faced the camera to address the nation. Knowing that a cage doesn’t necessarily contain bars, we must imagine Britain like a home mortgaged to the hilt, runaway finances lost in the dust of the audit trail. The mother of the house can still produce a meal for the dinner table but the children are fearful, too embarrassed to confirm the sources of her shrouded income.
Monarch’s surrounded by scheming counsellors wreaking havoc on a kingdom throughout history have elicited statements from downtrodden subjects to the effect that; “If the King only knew…” of the injustice, some positive end would come into sight. While this may have been true to a certain degree where the sovereign was not party to corruption, the propagation of tyranny and direct action always targeted the traditional middle-class as a rule.
For clarity, we must look to a past era that strangely resembles the present.
At the twilight of the 12th century, King Richard the Lionheart found himself prisoner in a German castle awaiting the ransom that would buy his freedom.
The collection of monies from his patchwork realm impacted Britons most severely and the relief from the king’s safe passage turned to utter grief when his sudden death followed. The cult of personality was not bestowed upon his elevated brother King John due to his unreasonable, avaricious nature.
The generation that followed their warrior king into the fray watched helplessly as the world they’d built to pass on to their children was newly shaped to extract maximum rent from the common man. John Lackland developed an affection for crisis finance, which proved itself more than lucrative when the nation remained engaged in constant wars. Sacrifice without visible gain had a souring effect the moment all Englishmen knew that; “the King knew” but didn’t care much either way.
During the era when the barons of the land were the only taxpayers, they found themselves unable to repeatedly extract value from their vassals under the revised conditions of finance and stagnant economic climate. King John essentially threw out the toolkit of statecraft, leaving himself with only the hammer of military force thereby assuring that every man was treated like a nail to be driven. Events reached their breaking point and all stood poised for a clash.
King John and his people’s appointment with destiny culminated in the inspired creation of the Magna Carta, which turned the tables on the monarch’s quick-buck artistry and forced him to implement protective mechanisms that would foster a civilised society. Habeas Corpus being the bedrock of this unshakeable agreement, it provided a starting point for the skilled craftsmen of the land with the motivating factor of internal security, the main ingredient that stimulates risk-takers in business.
The Church played it’s role and it’s never disapproved of war because it keeps heaven well-stocked with fresh souls but their involvement in the negotiations with the king and his counsellors is strangely overlooked or completely omitted by committed atheist historians. Parrish priests knew something even the barons of England did not become fully aware of until their errant sons returned from the shameful Fourth Crusade visited on Constantinople in 1204 AD.
The Frankish Knights let slip that King John’s messengers had made the rounds of all his adversaries in conflict offering peace terms if they would send troops to suppress the English yeoman when called at a moment’s notice. The English armies in place abroad could remain in no man’s land war zones, without hope of returning home to save their kin nor able to maintain a supply route to carry on offensive action. Under such circumstances, the people would agree to anything to be rid of the armed foreign menace in their midst and give the king the divine powers he sought.
Abusing the peasants as a pastime was natural for the nobility but when their cash cows were about to be rustled through collusion by the monarch, they remembered where their bread was buttered from and took positions in defense of the common man’s rights as though they were their very own.
A cursory study of the situation and the options Canon Law afforded propelled the first serious review of what made medieval society work and that which corrupted it to the advantage of a few and required adjustment.
The king’s rude awakening at Runnymede, that the terms of Magna Carta were not to be tampered with and that the king’s counsellors who are the barons should always remain the consultative body to debate any such decision was a foregone conclusion. Since that time, the genius of the great charter spread into every other country’s basic set of Laws.
But checks and balances spurring over seven centuries of unfettered growth were undone in four decades by the UK’s Marxist political class and the bona fide capture of the sovereign by powerful forces is without question, as evidenced by the methodical erosion of Her Majesty QEII’s trust and responsibility to her subjects…
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