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HARRY FEAR FILM: ‘Harassed in Gaza: Internationals Under Threat’

An impromptu documentary capturing Israeli soldiers’ threats of violence, by Harry Fear. Dedicated to the sufferers of constant harassment under Israeli occupation in the West Bank of Palestine. http://fb.com/harryfear – © http://GazaReport.com

FILM: ‘Names, Not Numbers’ – A Film by Harry Fear on Israel’s Pillar of Death Operation

‘Names, not numbers: a film commemorating the Palestinians killed by Israel’s Operation Pillar of Cloud’, by Harry Fear. Dedicated to the families of those martyred in Gaza. Since production, at least 3 more have died since the ceasefire from mortal injuries, late-exploding weapons, deaths which will go unreported my the west’s multi-billion dollar mainstream media industry… […]

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue