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Spain Goes Covid Crazy: Requiring Masks on Beach, Even When Swimming

Beachgoers wearing masks on beach in Mallorca (Image: JOAN LLADO/GTRES/El Pais)

As Europe continues to see its reported Covid deaths drop below normal flu season levels, the level of hypochondria in certain pandemic-obsessed countries continues to drive irrational Covid policies.

As it turns out, forcing healthy people to wear masks all day can have grave health side effects, not to mention covering faces can induce unnecessary anxiety and stress, as well as making it difficult to interact with people who are wearing masks, or not wearing them.

However, for Governments, masks are a much-needed visual reminder of a ‘global pandemic’, and an essential tool for authorities desperate to foster mass compliance, as well as preserving all of their newfound powers gained over the past 12 months. Unfortunately, certain shaky Governments have already drifted way over the totalitarian precipice, with the ruling elite becoming increasingly unable to voluntarily bring society back to normal, save for a massive social unrest which forces the Government to abandon it’s failed policies.

Evening Standard reports…

Brits holidaying in Spain will be forced to wear face masks on the beach – and even in the sea – after a new decree issued by the government.

As the popular destination dangles on a precipice of a new wave of Covid-19 infections, Spanish authorities said it will be mandatory for all people aged six and over to wear face coverings “on public streets, in outdoor spaces and in any closed space that has a public use or is open to the public”.

This will apply to people who are sunbathing or even swimming in the sea.

Masks were already mandatory in all public spaces, including outdoors, when a distance of less than 1.5 meters couldn’t be kept between people.

But the social distancing aspect will be removed from Wednesday making masks essential no matter what the distance.

Until now, regional governments were free to adapt the rules with some introducing exceptions for certain situations, such as going to the beach.

But under the new law, that some locals fear will damage tourism, regional governments can no longer introduce changes meaning everyone is bound by the same rules…

Continue this story at Evening Standard

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