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‘TTIP Reading Room’ – EU Trade Aggreement is Locked Away in Brussels Basement

Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan is a Member of European Parliament from Ireland. He had a simple mission: to try to view a single ‘public’ document, specifically, the TTIP agreement at the EU Parliament. What happened next was simply mind-boggling.

NOTE: MEP Luke Flanagan was asked by the European Parliament to take this video off the internet because there was no permission for filming was received from the parliament, and possibly the footage revealed the identity of an EU administrative employee. Originally entitled “TTIP reading room farce,” the video demonstrates how Flanagan was banned from even transcribing notes verbatim from texts relating to the controversial Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations. Why the extreme secrecy?

Welcome to the Orwellian labyrinth of Brussels – where where paranoia rules, public documents are secret and where an MEP can’t even transcribe or record him or herself dictating a TTIP document. Watch:

See more details on this story here: http://jrnl.ie/2751301.

READ MORE TTIP NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire TTIP Files




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