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UKC News: Nordstream Pipeline Revelations, Ukraine Taking Heavy Losses, Syria Earthquake Story & DC Twitter Hearings

The western propaganda war in Ukraine has gone up a notch as the Guardian deploy serial fabricator and fake news journalist Luke Harding to Kiev to spin new yarns for NATO, as Ukraine takes heavy losses this week in the face of a renewed Russian offensive in Donbass. The Nordstream Pipeline story has taken off this week with US journalist Seymour Hersh’s article showing how the Biden Administration was behind the dangerous terrorist attack against German and Russian energy infrastructure. Also, the recent earthquake in Turkey and Syria has awoken old geopolitical faultlines and controversies, including the reemergence of the notorious White Helmets. In Washington, the Twitter Files hearings in Congress continued, as Republicans grilled Big Tech executives over their widespread illegal censorship operations. All this and more. 

Hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen, with Vanessa Beeley for the end of week news round-up. Watch:

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