It seems that persistence pays. After two months of evidence collection and lobbying the courts, Arizona governor candidate, Kari Lake (R), is set to make her case for a stolen election in 2022.
This case is unprecedented in modern American history – a major state-wide election fraud case is actually being heard by the courts.
Lake will also have the opportunity to call Maricopa County Elections Recorder Stephen Richer and Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Chair Bill Gates as witnesses.
Sadly, Democratic governor candidate Katie Hobbs remains silent on the issue, and has refused to come forward and set the record straight on the 2022 midterm election debacle in Arizona – despite the fact that she was ultimately responsible as Arizona Secretary of State.
ABC News reports…
Republican Kari Lake’s election lawsuit will go to trial this week after an Arizona judge dismissed most — but not all — counts she put forward contesting her loss in the governor’s race to Democrat Katie Hobbs.
Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson dismissed eight out of 10 claims late Monday but allowed two counts to proceed pertaining to alleged intentional misconduct affecting ballot printers and ballot chain of custody on Election Day.
The two-day trial will begin Wednesday at 11 a.m. ET.
A fired-up Lake reacted Tuesday at the Turning Point USA AmericaFest event in Phoenix to what she deemed a “huge win” for her legal team and appeared giddy when talking about how Hobbs and other election officials would have to take the witness stand.
“Christmas came early yesterday, woo!” Lake said to applause. “We got great news. We’re taking these b******* to trial!”
“She can’t duck out from taking the stand in our trial. She will have to take the stand. Katie Hobbs is gonna have to put her hand on the Bible and swear to tell the truth,” she added.
But in a reversal later in the day, a spokesperson from the secretary of state’s office confirmed that Lake’s attorneys withdrew their subpoena for Hobbs to testify and will not call her to appear, even after Judge Thompson denied a request from Hobbs’ attorneys to block the subpoena’s enforcement.
(…) To win her case, Lake has an extremely high bar in proving that Maricopa County election workers intentionally interfered with printers to change the results of the election and intentionally violated the chain of custody rules, resulting in her losing enough votes to sway the election.
She’s hailed the decision to move forward with a trial as a victory, tweeting, “Buckle up, America. This is far from over.”
Lake has “alleged intentional misconduct sufficient to affect the outcome of the election and thus has stated an issue of fact that requires going beyond the pleadings,” Thompson wrote in the ruling. “Accordingly, Plaintiff must show at trial that the BOD printer malfunctions were intentional, and directed to affect the results of the election, and that such actions did actually affect the outcome.”
Since falling 17,000 votes short of Hobbs, the TV news anchor turned self-described “ultra-MAGA mama bear” has continued to model Trump, embracing claims her election was rigged after never agreeing to accept the results if she lost…
Continue this report at ABC News
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