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Australia is an American Colony

Tales of American Empire says…

Western media portrays Australia as a beautiful nation with independent people and a close ally of the United States. But the American Empire has no allies, only vassal states.

Australia became a colony of the American Empire in 1975 after an Anglo-American coup. Australians noticed nothing since Australia had been a British colony since its inception and dispatches military forces when ordered to fight empire wars. Watch: 


“The militarization of Australia”; Bruce Haigh; Pearls and Irritations; August 27, 2020; https://johnmenadue.com/the-militaris…

“ALLY THIS: The CIA Subversion of Australian Democracy”; Jon Gleur; Dunemessiahdotnet; November 23, 2014; (details of the 1975 coup)

“The PM, the spy and the governor-general: what John Kerr didn’t tell the palace”; Guy Rundle; Crikey; July 17, 2020; (details about the CIA coup from the “Palace Papers” that were declassified in 2020); https://www.crikey.com.au/2020/07/17/…

“The Forgotten Coup Against ‘The Most Loyal Ally’”; John Pilger; Consortium News; June 1, 2020; https://consortiumnews.com/2020/06/01…

“A warning to Australia; do not underestimate China’s end game”; 60 Minutes Australia; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XG33L… I had included a short clip from this anti-China propaganda story produced by the American empire to fool Australians. “60 Minutes” objected to my “fair use” for commentary so I was forced to clip it out, resulting in an audio blip in this video.

Here is a hilarious Australian comedy skit where military officers attempt to justify a huge budget increase. All are afraid to discuss the topic, but eventually agree the money is needed to protect free trade with China — from China! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTCqX…

READ MORE AUSTRALIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Australia Files




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