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‘Don’t Get Caged’: Protesters Mobilize Ahead of Chauvin Trial in Minneapolis

Self-described ‘local police abolitionists’ urge would-be demonstrators to avoid getting ‘kettled’ while exercising their right to free speech.

DontGetCagedMPLS Chauvin Trial Map
IMAGE: ‘Chauvin Trial Plaza’ map detailing location of ‘free speech’ cages. (Source: Twitter)

There are growing signals online that protesters are beginning to cement their plans for demonstration and possible unrest ahead of next week’s start to the Derek Chauvin murder trial in Minneapolis – where the jury selection process has already become race-fueled and hyper-politicized.

The above logistical map is part of a series of interactive maps posted to Google Maps where viewers can click on drop pins to get more information about the location of ‘free speech’ cages.

The authors of the online material, who describe themselves as ‘local police abolitionists’, urge would-be demonstrators to avoid getting ‘kettled’ a notorious crowd control tactic used by law enforcement to essentially box-in and limit the mobility of groups of protesters. A description on the main map explains:

“This map is intended for informational purposes only, to help you make your own decisions about whether or how to engage with downtown Minneapolis during the Chauvin trial police state spectacle.

It shows the state of current security fences/infrastructure based on our own observations and news reports, plus our own assessment of high- and medium-risk areas of kettling (entrapment by state security forces).

The authors are local abolitionist residents who want to end the 200+ year military/police occupation of this land. We only represent ourselves and not any organization or group. We are not event organizers.”

Hennepin County Government Center in Minneapolis, where the trial will convene in courtroom C-1856, has already been heavily fortified with concrete barriers and barbed wire security fencing in anticipation of large crowds of protesters.

Here’s a good look at the security infrastructure deployed around the government plaza:

According to a recent New York Post report, Mayor Jacob Frey said 3,000 law enforcement personnel could be deployed throughout the city in preparation for the trial.

At this past Monday’s City Council Public Briefing, it was confirmed by the Minneapolis Police Department that the National Guard would be taking the lead in coordination of all city, county and state law enforcement and security operations throughout the duration of the trial.

Expect more protest literature like ‘Don’t Get Caged’ to start flooding social media leading up to next week’s trial.

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