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Coronavirus Crisis Overtakes Democratic Primaries in 4 Key States

A tale of two primaries in Florida and Ilinois.
Early pictures emerge from voters in Florida and Illinois on election day. (Photos via Twitter)

Four more states Ohio, Illinois, Florida and Arizona are scheduled to hold Democratic Party Presidential Primaries today.

In the midst of the current coronavirus crisis, the State of Ohio made a last minute decision to delay its primary election while the other key states will continue with voting as scheduled.

This is likely going to be the most bizarre day of primary voting thus far in the 2020 race – with only three candidates, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard remaining in the field – as widespread ‘social distancing’ overtakes an already fractured and fatigued electorate.

In Illinois, the Sun Times is reporting that election day is ‘limping out of the gate’ with calls for delays due to public health concerns. In at least one case, election judges failed to show up to their precincts turning voters like this away:

In Florida, one voter would not be denied by coronavirus, proudly casting her ballot in the Sunshine state’s primary:

According to the RealClearPolitics tally, Biden is currently in the lead with the most pledged delegates (898) ahead of Sanders (745).

READ MORE 2020 ELECTION NEWS: 21st Century Wire 2020 Election Files




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