This morning, UK Home Secretary has Sanjid Javid signed the extradition order that could send WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the Unite States to stand trial on 18 indictments including espionage.
Home Secretary Javid insists he is justified in his decision to render Assange to the US, still claiming that, “I want to see justice done.”

Running for Tory leadership: Sanjid Javid.
Taking what appears to be a ‘tough stance’ on award-winning journalist Assange, it should also be noted that Javid is also running for the Tory leadership, where MPs also voted on the next Prime Minister today.
Assange will face his the courts again tomorrow for an extradition hearing which has been moved from the courthouse at Belmarsh Prison to a hearing at 9am at London’s Westminster Magistrates Court in Central London. Javid’s signed order will be presented to the court tomorrow, sending a clear signal that the British government will not stand in the way of the courts should Assange losing his appeal to stay in detention in the UK where he is currently serving a 50 sentence for skipping bail in 2012, a UK charge which was predicated on a non-existent sex allegations case in Sweden.
Due to a deterioration in his health, the 47-year-old Assange may be forced to appear on video link for Friday’s court proceedings.
Just two nights previous on Tuesday June 11th at the first of two Imperialism on Trial events in London, 21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen spoke with RT International live, and raising the critical point about how Assange’s fate may ultimately well rest in the hands of British Home Secretary Sanjid Javid. Watch:
READ MORE ASSANGE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Assange/Wikileaks Files