Integrity: Grasping The Initiative
Posted by Tim Hayward
[Scroll down for links to discussions: latest update 10 January 2019]
This is my first personal blogpost since April. At that time I referred to a ‘coordinated smear campaign’ against anti-war journalists, tweeters and academics, whose number included myself and other members of the SPM Working Group. The portrayal of us as “useful idiots” for some or other official enemy, I suggested, was evidently a strategic communication.
We now know a lot more about the coordination of that communications strategy, thanks to the recently accessed documents exposing the Institute for Statecraft’s so-called Integrity Initiative (here, here and here).
Numerous points of interest and concern emerge, one of which regards the high profile attack launched at our Working Group on the front page of The Times. Two of its authors, we learn, are named in the newly available documents. They – Deborah Haynes and Dominic Kennedy – have not so far responded to invitations to clarify their association with the “Initiative”.
What we do know from the documents is that a coordinated network was very closely following all public comments on such critical events as the Skripals poisoning in Salisbury, on which SPM produced its first Briefing Note, and the chemical attack in Douma this year, which was the focus of SPM’s second Briefing Note.
The working group’s third Briefing Note will be released soon [update, 21 Dec 2018, it is now published here]. Meanwhile, for anyone wishing to catch up with others’ comments on the “Integrity Initiative”, links to discussions of the issue will be maintained here below.
[Update 22 Dec 2018: currently the full set of II documents is available at https://fdik.org/Integrity_Initiative/]
[Update 4 January 2019, 4th set of II documents released and available, separately and in a single folder, at https://www.cyberguerrilla.org/blog/operation-integrity-initiative-british-informational-war-against-all-part-4/ Also worth noting now is that while there are more than 60 articles on the matter linked below, still practically nothing has been heard from mainstream Western media outlets.]
Discussions of Institute for Statecraft’s “Integrity Initiative” [92 links as of 10 January 2019]
Anders Romelsjö (10 January 2019) Swedish responses to Integrity Initiative and Atlantic Council, Global Politics
Kit Klarenberg (9 January 2019) How Integrity Initiative’s German Cluster Aims to End Berlin’s Ties with Moscow, Sputnik International
Chris Williamson MP (9 January 2019) On New Integrity Initiative Revelations, RT
Moon of Alabama (9 January 2019) Stuff To Read: Integrity Initiative, Skripal, Kaspersky …
Russia Today (9 January 2019) ‘America must rebuild understanding of Russia’: How Integrity Initiative drafted US for new Cold War, RT
Max Blumenthal and Mark Ames (8 January 2019) New Documents Reveal a Covert British Military-Intelligence Smear Machine Meddling In American Politics, Grayzone
Russia Today (8 January 2019) ‘They made a mess & are fighting fires’: UK academic says Integrity Initiative fatally hurt by leaks, RT
David Miller (8 January 2019) Interviewed on Skripal Case: Released Docs Pointing at Direction We Need to Investigate, Sputnik International
Robert Stevens (7 January 2019) UK Integrity Initiative heavily involved in Skripal affair, World Socialist Web Site
NachDenkSeiten (7 January 2019) Der Zweck und die Absicht von Integrity Initiative ist eine Propagandaoperation, NachDenkSeiten [in German]
Kit Klarenberg (7 January 2019) Damaging Ties: Why Germany is the Integrity Initiative’s ‘Most Important Target’, Sputnik International
Kit Klarenberg (7 January 2019) The Integrity Initiative: The Spread of Propaganda & A Look Back at the #Skripal Saga, Stranahan, Sputnik Radio
Russia Today (7 January 2019) Use Hollywood films to counter China & Russia: Integrity Initiative psyop plan exposed in new leaks, RT
Jan Wiklund (6 January 2019) Integrity Initiative links from 36 countries and some Atlantic Council links
21Wire (5 January 2019) How the Integrity Initiative Spun the West’s Improbable Skripal Narrative, 21st Century Wire
Moon of Alabama (4 January 2019) ‘Integrity Initiative’ – New Documents From Shady NGO Released [This is a brief piece on the new release, but it has encouraged readers’ comments, a number of which make for interesting reading]
Kit Klarenberg (4 January 2019) Shock Files: What Role Did Integrity Initiative Play in Sergei Skripal Affair?, Sputnik International
Russia Today (4 January 2019) ‘Operation Iris’ & more: New documents tie Integrity Initiative to spin of Skripal affair, RT
Anonymous (4 January 2019) Documents of the “Integrity Initiative” Part 4
Kit Klarenberg (3 January 2019) Integrity Initiative: How Media Promote Military Intelligence Propagandist Nimmo, Sputnik International
Jimmy Dore (2 January 2019) British Spy Found Inside Bernie Sanders Campaign, The Jimmy Dore Show
Chris Williamson MP (2 January 2019) The chilling manipulations of the Institute for Statecraft are straight out of the cold war playbook, Morning Star Online
Piers Robinson (2 January 2019) Speaking about Integrity Initiative, Fault Lines
Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris (31 December 2018) UK gov. funded ‘think tanks’ to smear Jeremy Corbyn and spread anti-Russian propaganda, The Duran [Video]
Mohamed Elmaazi (30 December 2018) Temple of Covert Propaganda (Part 1), Around the Empire
Alexandra Bader (30 December 2018) Integrity Initiative: Mit allen Mitteln gegen Russland, CeiberWeiber [in German]
Beastrabban blog (30 December 2018) Private Eye on the Integrity Initiative and Its Links to American Intelligence
Aaron Maté (28 December 2018) New Studies Show Pundits Are Wrong About Russian Social-Media Involvement in US Politics, The Nation
Mark Curtis (28 December 2018) Twitter and the smearing of Corbyn and Assange: A research note on the “Integrity Initiative”, Mark Curtis: British foreign policy declassified
Free West Media Staff (28 December 2018) UK info war against Russia targets young children, Free West Media
Derek Royden (28 December 2018) The new Agitprop? The Integrity Initiative exposed, Nation of Change
Mark Hodgetts (27 December 2018) Disturbing Questions About the Independence of Mainstream Media
David Miller, with Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton (26 December 2018) Inside the Integrity Initiative, the UK gov’s information war on the public, Moderate Rebels
Constanze Kurz (25 December 2018) Der hausgemachte Desinformationsskandal, Frankfurter Allgemeine [in German]
Russia Today (24 December 2018) Why is paid Integrity Initiative hitman Ben Nimmo still used as ‘independent’ expert by MSM? RT Question More
Johanna Ross and Kit Klarenberg (24 December 2018) UK academics unveil report on Integrity Initiative as Sunday Times attacks Sputnik journalists, Radio Sputnik
Chris Donnelly (Director of Institute for Statecraft and its “Integrity Initiative”) On Disinformation, Youtube video
The Bulgarian Times (23 December 2018) The British Integrity Initiative as an attempt to enforce global censorship, The Bulgarian Times [in Bulgarian]
John Pilger (22 December 2018) A Look Back at 2018, Look Forward to 2019, Going Underground, RT
Paul McKeigue, David Miller, Jake Mason, Piers Robinson (21 December 2018) Briefing note on the Integrity Initiative, Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media [readers’ comments on the Briefing Note are posted here]
Jens Berger (20 December 2018) Die Infokrieger im Dienste ihrer Majestät, NachDenkSeiten [in German]
Alan MacLeod (19 December 2018) The Integrity Initiative in Context, Conversation with Slava Zilber
Russia Today (19 December 2018) ‘Striking images to help public relate’: UK Integrity Initiative’s post-Skripal psyop leaked, RT
Mark Galleotti (19 December 2018) The Integrity Initiative and Me (and Jeremy Corbyn), In Moscow’s Shadows
David Jamieson (19 December 2018) State-backed Integrity Initiative confirms meeting with Herald journalist for Scotland briefing, CommonSpace
Margaret Kimberley (19 December 2018) Freedom Rider: UK and US PSYOP Collusion, Black Agenda Report
Piers Robinson (19 December 2018) Interview: There’s desire to ramp up public perception of Russia being a threat in the international system, Radio Sputnik
South Front (19 December 2018) British Foreign Secretary Confirms Integrity Initiative Documents, Blames Russia For Everything, South Front
RT (19 December 2018) Do it CIA style: UK-funded ‘Integrity Initiative’ planned to infiltrate European media, leaks reveal, RT News
Piers Robinson (18 December 2018) On the emerging Integrity Initiative scandal, Fault Lines
Kit Klarenberg (18 December 2018) Integrity Initiative: The Times Meets Ukrainian Kidnappers, Propaganda Follows, Sputnik
South Front (17 December 2018) Hackers Uncover More Documents Throwing Light On British Propaganda Campaign Against Russia, South Front
Johanna Ross with Kit Klarenberg (17 December 2018) Anonymous leaks 3rd batch of Integrity Initiative documents, Radio Sputnik
Mohamed Elmaazi and Max Blumenthal (17 December 2018) Inside the Temple of Covert Propaganda: The Integrity Initiative and the UK’s Scandalous Information War, Grayzone
Edward Lucas (17 December 2018) Don’t swallow Labour’s claims of ‘black ops’, The Times [making a case in favour of the II, behind a paywall]
Ian Shilling (17 December 2018) The #Russiagate Hoax and the “Integrity Initiative” to Gaslight the public with more “Russia Threat” lies, Investment Watch
David Scott (16 December 2018) Half a League Onwards: A glimpse of the policy protocols of the Integrity Initiative, UK Column
Mail Opinion (16 December 2018) Minister’s flimsy defence of infowars attack on Jeremy Corbyn as embarrassing as Tory leadership farce, Daily Record
John Ferguson (16 December 2018) Tory minister ‘misled Parliament’ over Government-funded infowars attack on Jeremy Corbyn, Daily Record
David Scott (15 December 2018) Integrity Initiative: Ministry of Defence Parliamentary answer now in doubt, UK Column
Moon of Alabama (15 December 2018) The ‘Integrity Initiative’ – A Military Intelligence Operation, Disguised As Charity, To Create The “Russian Threat”
Ally Tibbitt (15 December 2015) Scottish charity at centre of ‘propaganda’ row probed by regulator, The Ferret
David Miller (14 December 2018) interviewed by George Galloway, Mother of All Talk Shows, Talk Radio [item from 23 minutes; interview from 27 minutes.]
Kit Klarenberg (14 December 2018) Integrity Initiative: Spanish Cluster Misled UK Parliament Over Assange, Russia, Sputnik
Anonymous (14 December 2018) The documents of ‘Integrity Initiative’, Part 3
Moon of Alabama (14 December 2018) Newly Released ‘Integrity Intitiative’ Papers Include Proposal For Large Disinformation Campaigns
Craig Murray (13 December 2018) British Security Service Infiltration, the Integrity Initiative and the Institute for Statecraft
Kit Klarenberg (13 December 2018) Integrity Initiative: Foreign Office Funded, Staffed by Spies, Housed by MI5? Sputnik
Emily Thornberry (12 December 2018) Letter to Alan Duncan, Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
David Miller (12 December 2018) (Interview:) Integrity Initiative Operations Are ‘Outrageous in Democratic System’, Sputnik News
George Galloway (12 December 2018) A very British coup: The spies who went out to the cold – by George Galloway, RT [Yes, Russia Today. Where is the Western media coverage?]
UK Parliament (12 December 2018) Institute for Statecraft: Integrity Initiative, Hansard
Stephen Daisley (11 December 2018) The deep state needs to step up its campaign against Jeremy Corbyn, Spectator Blog [defending II]
South Front (10 December 2018) British Anti-Russian Propaganda Network Is Now Used To Target Jeremy Corbyn And Labour Party, South Front
David Scott (10 December 2018) Integrity Initiative: Just how well connected are the “Gateside Three”? UK Column
Aaron Bastani (10 December 2018) Undermining Democracy, Not Defending It: The ‘Integrity Initiative’ is Everything That’s Wrong With British Foreign Policy, Novara Media
James Landale (10 December 2018) Russia hack ‘bid to discredit’ UK anti-disinformation campaign – Foreign Office, BBC [Note the perspective adopted in this piece. See also how the report was edited to shift the perspective (courtesy News Sniffer)]
Emily Thornberry (9 December 2018) Response to reported government funded attacks on the Labour Party, Labour Party
John Ferguson (9 December 2018) Secret Scottish-based office led infowars attack on Labour and Jeremy Corbyn, The Daily Record
Conrad Landin (9 December 2018) Researcher at government-funded think tank behind fake news story that Kremlin aided Corbyn’s rise, Morning Star
Ben Gelblum (9 December 2018) Labour demand government explains £2m taxpayers’ cash funding infowars unit which smeared Corbyn and Labour, The London Economic
Alejandro López (6 December 2018) Hackers reveal British government’s interference in Spanish politics, World Socialist Web Site
David Scott (5 December 2018) Integrity Initiative: Follow the money, UK Column
Mike Robinson (2 December 2018) Integrity Initiative: A Look Into the Deep State? UK Column
John Ferguson (2 December 2018) Derelict Scottish mill is shadowy hub in UK’s fight against Putin’s propaganda machine, Daily Record
Anonymous (29 November 2018) Documents of “Integrity Initiative” Part 2, live link at SPM site
Chris Williamson MP (28 November 2018) UK Government ‘Black Propaganda’ and Scrapping Universal Credit, Going Underground, RT (video)
David Miller (26 November 2018) The Integrity Initiative is a British state-funded propaganda operation, Radio Sputnik podcast
Integrity Initiative (26 November 2018) Statement on Russian media publication of hacked II documents
Moon of Alabama (24 November 2018) British Government Runs Secret Anti-Russian Smear Campaigns
South Front (23 November 2018) Documents Confirm: UK Is Engaged In Large-Scale Secret Propaganda War Against Russia, South Front
Anonymous (5 November 2018) Documents of ‘Integrity Initiative’, Part 1
This archive was originally published at Tim Hayward’s blog.
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