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Iran Deal: Behind Every War Hawk President, You’ll Find a Walrus

It can’t get anymore bizarre. After Bibi Netanuayu’s Off Broadway kabuki performance sponsored by OfficeMax early this month, the White House has waged a Neoconservative jihad against the JCPOA Iran Nuclear Deal. As the old saying goes: behind every hawkish president, you’ll find a walrus.

ICYMI: “Donald ‘Art of the Deal’ Trump demonstrated he can make ‘em as well as break ‘em by pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal. Of course, he risks causing even more chaos in the Middle East, but that’s what US presidents tend to do with their time. Perhaps the most shocking thing is the level of surprise there appeared to be at Trump’s decision, as if nothing like this has ever happened before. The biggest lesson may well be for Europe’s leaders, who had thrown everything at the US leader to keep him in the nuke deal, but found out that it doesn’t matter how much charm they deploy – Washington will do whatever it wants, whenever it wants.” Watch:

READ MORE IRAN NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Iran Files




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