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Another Revision in Las Vegas Mass Shooting – Amid Mandalay Bay Security Guard’s Media Silence

Shawn Helton
21st Century Wire

For the second time this week, Las Vegas police officials and the FBI have revised significant timeline details associated with the Las Vegas mass shooting. What does this latest change mean?

*Note* – The Las Vegas mass shooting, currently modern America’s deadliest, has already been cycled out of most trending media reports in less than two weeks, as most mainstream outlets have now focused the public’s attention on a ready-to-go show trial involving disgraced Hollywood movie mogul Harvey Weinstein.

While abuse of any kind is abhorrent, you have to wonder why the Las Vegas massacre has seemingly been flushed out of the mainstream coverage so rapidly following a media frenzy collapse of a Hollywood insider.

Over the past 24 hours, independent reportage by former Project Veritas operative Laura Loomer, suggests that the Campos family may have had a gag order placed on them concerning details related to the Las Vegas shooting case. However, official confirmation of this aspect of the case is still pending.

This story follows yet another major shift in the Las Vegas shooting timeline, as accounts on social media also suggest that some from independent media were kept out of the latest Las Vegas press conference.

SEE ALSO: The Las Vegas Mass Shooting – More to the Story Than We’ve Been Told

Incredibly, police and FBI have once again revised timeline details associated with Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Campos and the alleged shooter – now stating that the guard’s encounter with the suspected gunman started near the same time as the concert mass shooting.

UNSURE: Lombardo looks down in doubt as overseer FBI special agent Aaron Rouse keeps a watchful eye over the struggling Sheriff.

Watch below as a noticeably agitated Las Vegas Sheriff Joseph Lombardo, now claims that the 9:59 time frame is when Campos supposedly investigated a nearby door alarm on the 32nd floor as previously reported when this story first broke.

The Las Vegas Review Journal confirms:

“The sheriff said Monday that Stephen Paddock shot Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Campos at 9:59 p.m., about six minutes before the gunman turned his weapons on the Route 91 Harvest festival crowd below his hotel suite. He previously reported Campos was shot after the attack on the concert crowd.”

Here’s the latest LVMPD press conference concerning the Las Vegas mass shooting on October 13th…


One of the more disturbing aspects of the aftermath of the Las Vegas mass shooting has been the production of emotionally charged press conferences that have inundated viewers with endless canned talking points, constant revisions of timeline details and reversed statements – all serving to continually cloud the official story.

Lombardo also lashed out at critics of the investigation:

“In the public space, the word ‘incompetence’ has been brought forward,” he said. “And I am absolutely offended with that characterization.” (Review Journal)

To the casual observer, you have to wonder why they haven’t been able to keep a straight story. If the police are getting such basic elements of the story wrong – then the public has to ask: what else have they got wrong?

This type of ritualized media grandstanding has become an almost mechanical hallmark following most large-scale ‘active shooter’ and ‘first responder’ events, as it usually dissolves into more of a media parade meant to convince the public of certain details of a crime – rather than address forensic anomalies which clearly don’t add up.

While law enforcement looks to tie up loose ends and shore up any early holes or bizarre theories, it’s possible that a more thorough analysis of all the forensic data in the case will be pushed into the background, as any new information may be introduced to steer those critical of the official story.

Over the past 24 hours, reports state that Campos, who was scheduled for at least five TV interviews, abruptly disappeared prior to those appearances. One such interview included a FOX News interview with Sean Hannity. This twist in the Las Vegas shooting has added another bizarre aspect to an already strange case. Here’s FOX News below:

“The Mandalay Bay security guard shot by Stephen Paddock in the moments leading up to the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history was set to break his silence Thursday night with five television interviews, including one on Fox News, Campos’ union president said.

Except when the cameras were about to roll, and media gathered in the building to talk to him, Campos reportedly bolted, and, as of early Friday morning, it wasn’t immediately clear where he was.

“We were in a room and we came out and he was gone,” Campos’ union president told reporters, according to ABC News’ Stephanie Wash.”

The motive for the Las Vegas mass shooting crime still remains unclear…

21WIRE associate editor Shawn Helton is a researcher and writer, specializing in forensic analysis of high-profile crime scene and counter terrorism investigations, and the deconstruction and analysis of the mass-media coverage surrounding those cases. He has compiled an extensive body of work covering a number of high-profile events since 2012.

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