As the Western media and political leaders run to convict the Syrian Government in the court of political opinion over a recent alleged ‘Chemical Attack‘ in the Idlib Province in northwestern Syria this week, pro-war pundits across the US spectrum are attempting to rewrite history by falsely claiming that “Assad has crossed the Red Line again and must be stopped.” Once again, media charlatans and pro-war political opportunists are attempting to revise the events of August 21, 2013 in the Damascus suburb of the East Ghouta where a proven False Flag attack took place and which was subsequently used to build-up a pretext for the Obama and Cameron governments along their NATO, Gulf state allies to launch a new ‘humanitarian war’ against Syria – on the grounds that the Syrian government was “killing their own people.”
Back in December 2016, 21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen interviewed MIT research affiliate and a former US Congressional staffer, Subrata Ghoshroy, to discuss his Analysis of the UN Report on Syria’s Chemical Weapons Incident in 2013 in East Ghouta, Damascus, and he also explains how unqualified persons posing as ‘experts’ were delivering bogus evidence to the UN at the time, which resulted in fraudulent conclusions in the UN report – which were then used to justify US and British calls for bombing in Syria. Ghoshroy also explains how the gathering information and data from a war zone continues to be serious problem fuelling Western media and political misinformation campaigns regarding the Syrian war in 2017.
The following is the Ghoshroy interview segment from Episode #165 of SUNDAY WIRE recorded in December 2016. Listen:
The following are links and factual reports publicly available which show how the alleged “Sarin Attack” in 2013 was in fact the work of western and Gulf-backed ‘opposition rebels’ (terrorists) and not the Assad government – facts which are routinely ignored by CNN, BBC and the entirety of the western mainstream media – because they do not fit into the western ‘regime change’ and US-led military intervention narrative:
Seymour M. Hersh
Julie Lévesque and Prof Michel Chossudovsky
C.J. Chivers
Carla Del Ponte, UN Inspector
Swedish Doctors for Human Rights
Patrick Henningsen (2013 chlorine incident)
Robert Parry
More on the MIT study debunking West theory on Ghouta:
*Guide: Mainstream Media Fake News Which Leads to Wars – By Patrick Henningsen
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