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FRANCE: Hollande’s Secret Dirty War against Freedom of Speech While Supporting Terrorism Globally

French President, Hollande, entertaining Nusra Front civil defence and imposter Mayor of Aleppo, in Paris.

Laurent Daure
Arret Sur Info

A schoolboy from Cher has been sentenced to five years in prison by the correctional court in Bourges. Three years with no probation, for terrorism apology via electronic communication and habitual consultation of websites known for terrorism apology. He was not suspected of planning a terrorist attak. The young man was 18 years old and went to school in Vierzon.  He has been placed under a committal warrant.” – Le Parisien 24th December 2016

This schoolboy will, therefore, spend at least, three years in prison – it is well known, how a spell in prison can adversely affect any youth – despite the fact he has not committed nor has he planned to commit any violent act. This is not the first sentence of its kind in France. Since the terrorist attacks of January 2015 at Charlie Hebdo and the establishment of the never ending “state of emergency”, the justice system has been viciously targeting individuals, guilty, of nothing more than thoughlessness or mild provocation…often under the influence of alcohol or anger.  Or perhaps, they might have consulted internet sites promoting Islamic extremism, without any direct link to any terrorist group or any intention of carrying out a terrorist act.

An 18 year old from Dijon was sentenced to three months imprisonment, for having named his Wi-Fi, “Daesh 21”. Of course, we can question his sense of humour but does this justify such a court case and sentence that risk serious repercussions for the young man, particularly with regard to his criminal record in the future that will affect his ability to find work. Asking the question, gives us the answer. We are living in a theatre of the absurd and flagrant injustice on behalf of our state.

If our society were remotely just and rational, all these people, being condemned for nothing more than web-searches or remarks, would be released and compensated.

But, perhaps the most repugnant is that the multitude of NATO stenographers in corporate media and the facilitators of “humanitarian wars” who are plastered all over the NATO-aligned media, have never been condemned for their “apology for crimes against Peace” and “apology for the violation of international law” which has generated millions of victims globally.

This “Everest” of injustice and suffering is also the primary fuel of terrorism, far beyond religious extremism (which western powers will harness when they believe it will serve their geopolitical agendas.)

There is something really rotten in the kingdom of Hollande. But that can be applied to all governments past and future who believe they have the right to intervene in sovereign nations and to carry out campaigns of destabilization, overt or covert, against these sovereign nations.


TO READ MORE ON FRANCE: The 21st Century Wire French Files





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