21st Century Wire says…
In the wake of the recent Brussels Attacks this week, readers should be aware of Europe’s very real and sordid history of NATO intelligence carrying out terror attacks on European soil – against its own citizens.
This is historically referred to as Operation GLADIO.
It’s crucial that we understand what happened, in order to consider what might also be happening today…
Before the complete lockdown of the Anglo-American news media, occasionally some good stuff made it to air.
Then it was made to disappear. That’s the case with this video. But someone recorded it off the TV (thank you VCRs!) and uploaded it to YouTube. How long this important document will last is anyone’s guess, but this is the mother lode. It shows how the CIA organized an army of terrorists from among right wingers and organized crime (often the same people) to stage false flag terror events through Europe (and the world) to undermine regimes it didn’t like.
Note: “Staged” violence does not mean that people don’t die. It means that the source of the violence is deliberately obscured. Hundreds of entirely innocent people were killed in these operations.
Anyone who thinks modern America is immune from this kind of sick double-dealing is living in a dream world.
The last time there was a wave of bombings in Europe, they were conducted not by “terrorists” but by European governments
and fascist allies of the US.
Operation Gladio… Belgium figured significantly in these operations.
Note: The video starts with a little bit of French and Italian, but there are subtitles. Stick with it. This is a very important
Film: GLADIO (1992, BBC)
Director: Allan Francovich
READ MORE BRUSSELS ATTACKS NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Brussels Attacks