21st Century Wire says…
International shock and outrage after Cecil the lion from Zimbabwe was shot last week by a big game trophy-hunting dentist from Minnesota. But what does this really mean? There are a number of other underlying issues which the big media aren’t talking about…
21WIRE Analyst Patrick Henningsen speaks to RT International from Kansas City about this story which has all but dominated the US media over the last 72 hours, providing yet another glorious distraction away from a deteriorating situation in the Middle East and elsewhere. Listen to the interview here…
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RT says.. The Zimbabwean government has requested the extradition of the US dentist Walter Palmer, who killed the southern African country’s most celebrated lion, Cecil. The American trophy hunter lured the lion out of a national park and tracked him down. RT speaks to a few pundits yesterday, including 21WIRE’s Henningsen, about the story and what’s driving it…
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