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Cross Talk on RT: ‘Signs of WWIII?’ with 21WIRE guest Patrick Henningsen

21st Century Wire asks…

Are the geopolitical tea leafs telling us that World War III is beckoning?

1-Patrick-Henningsen-21st-Century-Wire-RT-Russia-Today“Civil wars in Syria and Ukraine, the threat of ISIS, and now protests in Hong Kong. So far the UN has prevented a war from breaking out between super powers since the end of World War II, but recently the US has not gotten its way in the UNSC.

By way of financial flows and sanctions, Western powers have ultimately started a world proxy war. Cross-Talking with Rodney Shakespeare, Patrick Henningsen, and George Szamuely”.

With RT host Peter Lavelle

READ MORE WWIII NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire WWIII Files




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