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Israel Admits Forcing Birth Control on Ethiopians

“When it was reported earlier this week that Israeli officials had been giving birth control to arriving Ethiopian Jews “without their consent”, the international media had a field day. Twitter lapped it up, too. Here was hard evidence, observers said, of Israeli racism. Some even used the word “sterilisation” and haughtily reminded Israelis that the Holocaust, that thing they go on about all the time, also started with the sterilisation of “undesirables”. Echoing Lib Dem MP David Ward’s recent chastisement of “the Jews” for failing to learn anything from their experiences during the Holocaust, bloggers and observers accused Israel’s sterilisers of repeating the very history that Israel’s founders sought to escape from.”*

Israel has an immigration problem. One of the more disturbing trends shown by the country is the forced injection of birth control to Ethiopian immigrant women under false pretenses. Why would the nation do this, and why hasn’t the act elicited more outrage?



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