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Texas Governor Signs Order Banning Public Use of Vaccine Passports

Yesterday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed an executive order which bans leaders of state agencies and other taxpayer-funded entities from requiring Vaccine Passports. 

The Texas leader joins a growing number of Republican leaders across the country, including Florida governor Ron DeSantis, who have been pushing back against the unconstitutional human tracking system which requires everyone – even perfectly healthy people – to prove they’ve had the experimental corporate vaccine in order to gain access to everyday normal life, including government buildings, certain stores, institutions, schools, travel, entertainment, and hospitality.

“The government should not require any Texan to show proof of vaccination and reveal private health information just to go about their daily lives,” said Abbott.

“We will continue to vaccinate more Texans and protect public health, and we will do so without treading on Texans’ personal freedom.”

However, Abbott’s executive order does not include private businesses who would require a vaccine passport as a requirement of entry. The Austin-American Statesman states, “Abbott’s executive order does not address private businesses requiring a vaccine passport system for customers, although the order applies to private entities currently receiving and set to receive public funds “through any means,” including grants, contracts, loans or other disbursements of taxpayer money. That includes money from local governments.”

The Order adds, “No consumer may be denied entry to a facility financed in whole or in part by public funds for failure to provide documentation regarding the consumer’s vaccination status.”

Last week, Florida, Governor DeSantis highlighted concerns about the freedom and privacy of his state’s residents and that the implementation and enforcement of vaccine passports would surely “create two classes of citizens based on vaccinations.”

“Individual Covid-19 vaccination records are private health information and should not be shared by a mandate,” DeSantis’ executive order reads.

“It’s completely unacceptable for either the government or the private sector to impose upon you the requirement that you show proof of vaccine to just simply be able to participate in normal society,” said the Florida leader.

It turns out DeSantis is right, as evidenced by Israel’s new two-tiered society due to the Israeli government’s insistence in maintaining a “vaccine apartheid” system now being administered there.

Republic calls to ban the controversial vaccine passports comes at a time when Democratic leaders like Andrew Cuomo and even President Joe Biden himself, are pushing for the implementation of vaccine passports.

READ MORE VACCINE PASSPORT NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Vaccine Passport Files




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