21st Century Wire asks…
How deep does the ‘known wolf’ rabbit hole go in the case of the London Bridge attacks?
In our first report regarding the London Bridge Attacks we discussed the distinct possibility that the those linked to this latest terror event might be well-known to authorities – it turns out, in at least one case, that’s already true.
SEE ALSO: LONDON BRIDGE ATTACKS: Who Knew, Who Benefits The Most?
NOTE: We’ve already outlined many of the questions surrounding this latest ‘act of terror’ in the West in our first report…
(Photo Illustration 21WIRE’s Shawn Helton)
The identity of the attacker has not yet been officially released at the request of Met Police.
Although PM Theresa May refused to say whether London authorities knew any of the attackers during a speech where she effectively declared war on so-called ‘online extremism’ (dovetailing the Bilderberg own planned war on information) it seems that additional information about the London Bridge attacks is slowly being drip fed to the public via the media.
While authorities and officials continue to play coy regarding the release of attacker information, the NY Times reported the following details below:
Ken Chigbo, a resident of the neighborhood on King’s Road in Barking where the apartment was raided, said he knew the man who lived in the apartment. He said the neighbor lived with his wife and two young children, looked to be in his mid-20s and was known in the community by his nickname, “Abs.”
“He would always be in a religious gown to his shins, with tracksuit bottoms and trainers underneath,” Mr. Chigbo, 26, said about his neighbor, with whom he played table tennis. “I trusted him. We got on.”
Another family relation told the Mail Online that: ‘In 2015, I heard that he tried to go to Syria saying he was going for jihad. But the family rallied around and as his wife was pregnant they managed to stop him.’
Interestingly, one of the alleged London Bridge attackers appears to have also been featured in a Channel 4 documentary released in 2016, entitled, ‘The Jihadist Next Door’:
With the revelation of this unnamed ‘celebrity jihadist’, one could ask who were the Channel 4 producers of this film and how did they go about casting for the subjects used in this film? Did Channel 4 producers work with a ‘fixer’ tied to, or working for the British Intelligence services or counter-terrorism police units? How well known was this actor to intelligence and security agencies?
Watch the Channel 4 documentary here:
Channel 4 ‘celebrity jihadi’ Pakistan-born Khuram Butt, 27, of Barking, London, “had been known to police and MI5,” but authorities insist they had no intelligence about the attack.
Another deeply disturbing development to consider, was the recent “government-sponsored inquiry into the sources of funding for Islamist militant groups operating in the UK.” The true nature of the findings, particularly those involving Saudi Arabia, may be hidden forever according to UK’s Home Office due to the ‘sensitive’ information they contain.
More below from the UK’s Telegraph…
Image Source: bbci.co.uk)
London terrorist had twice been referred to police over his extremist views
Martin Evans, Nicola Harley, Harry Yorke
The Telegrapgh
One of the three jihadists who murdered revellers in central London on Saturday had been reported to the anti-terror police on at least two occasions, it has been claimed.
A former friend of the terrorist, who was shot dead by police along with two accomplices, claimed he had been radicalised while watching YouTube videos and said he contacted the authorities after becoming concerned over his friend’s extremist views.
A neighbour also claimed she had contacted police in Barking, east London, after the suspect tried to convert her children to Islam and radicalise them. The man is not being named at the request of the police…
Continue the Telegraph here…