Branko Malić
21st Century Wire
In the third, final, podcast we sum up the meaning of Hegelian dialectics and it’s analogies to Posthumanism.
While Hegelian philosophy, like all philosophy of Modernity, suffers from unbridgeable gap it digs between humanity and the world, posthumanism revels in the abyss it digs between narcissistic individual and everything else – both humanity and the world.
We demonstrate that posthumanism is an instance of absolute, metaphysical, egoism which, paradoxically, ends up revoking all individual properties of human being in order to render it absolutely free.
Hegel ends up creating a system of absolute knowledge that was supposed to provide humanity with encyclopedic insight into purpose of history and justification for all the ills it created.
This system was, of course, a failure.
Posthumanism, on the other hand, can move only in direction of absolute power of man over the world, but only on condition that both the man and the world be revoked as they are, and transformed into something else.
This approach doesn’t bridge the abyss of alienation but threatens to finally cast humanity into it.
(If for some reason the Mixcloud presents you with problems, the podcasts are available on Kali Tribune’s Youtube channel. Podcasts can be downloaded via this link )
Author Branko Malić is a Croatian author and owner of Kali Tribune, with the background in classical philosophy. He’s focused on philosophy, media, culture and deep politics analysis.
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