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‘Bilderberg, the Movie’ to Debut in North America May 24—Prelude to Bilderberg 2017 Meeting in Virginia



NEW ORLEANS, La.—Noted Bilderberg author-researcher Daniel Estulin has produced a first-ever documentary about the secretive Bilderberg group that will be screened for the first time in North America on Wednesday, May 24 at the Prytania Theater in New Orleans, Louisiana.

“We are getting a lot of local press and they are all awestruck,” Estulin, who usually encounters hostile or disinterested media reactions to his Bilderberg views, gladly told this writer, as he prepared for the movie’s advance showing. Notably, its official nationwide release is expected in November.

The 7:30 pm (Central U.S. time) film viewing on May 24 costs $50 USD per person, but that also includes a book, refreshments and a Q & A conference with Estulin. The theater is at 5339 Prytania Street.

Those who wish to obtain tickets to the New Orleans Bilderberg screening can call 541-744-0090 and ask for Kris Millegan. Or call Julia Cox at 541-285-0696. You can also email [email protected]. Furthermore, there is information and a way to purchase tickets online at this website.

This writer plans to attend the screening to assess the 62-minute film, as a prelude to covering this year’s Bilderberg gathering, The 2017 Bilderberg meeting, according to Bilderberg’s obscure media relations outlet with a May 19 announcement, is to take place June 1-4 at the secluded Westfield’s Marriot in Chantilly, Va., where Bilderberg met in 2002, 2008 and 2012. The group is overdue to meet in North America.


The annual Bilderberg gatherings are held only at the most posh hotels and resorts, are encircled by an armada of armed guards and police, and are totally closed to the reporting press and public. The meetings consist of 140 (chiefly European and North American) central bankers, finance ministers, former and current legislators, former and current prime ministers, corporate titans, and media moguls and writers who attend but agree not to report on the proceedings

Other participants include European royalty, NATO and other military brass, select think-tank fellows from the Brookings Institution and other noted institutes, and high-tech gurus like Google founder Eric Schmidt who represent some of the “fresh blood” among Bilderberg’s aging old guard.

Estulin sat down with this writer to promote “Bilderberg, the Movie,” and to compare notes on 63 years of Bilderberg meetings.


“I started working on this film in 2011-2012 when a . . . Spanish producer, who’s a great fan of my work, approached me about making a documentary,” Estulin explained. “We signed a deal. . . . [But] six months later he was ruined. If you believe in conspiracy or coincidence theories, three banks called in his loans at the same time. He basically went bankrupt.”

A year went by, and another group decided to make a Bilderberg film, with Estulin as co-producer. That particular film was essentially done by the late summer of 2015.

“Then one day my co-producer comes to me and says that he sold his 50% stake in the film to Baker & Taylor—that’s a subsidiary of the Carlyle Group!

“So I basically knew . . . that there would be no way to get the film out. It was sabotaged . . . . The Carlyles are the Bushes, the bin Ladens, the Bakers  . . .”

Estulin added, “It goes to show you how power structures work above and beyond the governmental levels.”

Estulin then went on to reshoot the film, to make sure it was 100% his creation, going to 13 cities in 11 countries over several months. “We did that and it was finally ready for release about six months ago,” he said, while noting he spent about $200,000 of his own money to make the film a reality.

To give would-be movie-goers an advance glance, Estulin said that two phases of world control—carried out via a Bilderberg-nurtured monopoly-capitalist approach, based on breakneck economic growth for its own sake—have failed. So, when Bilderberg meets this year, in his opinion the group will be struggling to redefine itself and in the process come up with a model for a third phase of economic-political control.

Continue this article at The Truth Hound

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