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Since March 2015, the US and UK have used client states Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to wage a brutal and illegal proxy war against the country of Yemen. 21WIRE has exposed many aspects of this dark operation which readers can find in our extensive archive of articles, audio interviews and videos here...

Israel ‘Rescues’ 19 Jews from War-Torn Yemen in Covert Operation

AFP + Daily Star | Al-Qaeda and ISIS have gained ground in southern Yemen since Saudi began bombing.

UN: Yemen Gov’t in Exile, Houthi Rebels, Agree on Ceasefire

21WIRE + AP | Two opposing factions have agreed to a UN-recognized ceasefire plan.

UN Physically Removes Independent Media From NYC HQ For Exposing Institutional Corruption

21WIRE + Inner City Press | UN lashes out in frustration as one of its own press corp exposes its ring of corruption.

Syria in the Crosshairs: “The Syrian People are Against any Plans to Partition Syria!”

Vanessa Beeley | Syria in the partitioning crosshairs and determined to tear up the NATO US Israeli sectarian road map.

EU Parliament Adopts Resolution Calling for Arms Embargo Against Saudi Arabia

21WIRE | The military industrial complex will not be at all happy about this.

SPECIAL REPORT: Madaya & Ongoing Marginalization of Kafarya & Foua Misery by UN

Vanessa Beeley | Syria and Yemen have shown the world how brutality and oppression are to be sanctioned when of benefit to the West.

YEAR IN REVIEW: 2015 Top Ten Conspiracies

Patrick Henningsen and Shawn Helton | Grab a cup of coffee and get ready to look back at the wild rumble that was 2015…

Why Is Saudi Arabia Trying to Prevent UN Investigations Into Its War Crimes in Yemen?

Sarah Lazare | The silence of the West on Saudi’s war crimes is a damning verdict of its arrogant double standards.

Why Is Western Media So Slow To Cover Saudi Arabia’s Slaughter in Yemen?

21WIRE | While the western media drags its heals on Yemen, the Saudi-led slaughter continues unabashed.

The Saudi Annihilation of Yemen: The War The West Ignored

21WIRE + CrossTalk | When an event does not fit the West’s narrative, it is entirely ignored.

Henningsen: Saudi Arabia’s ‘Imperial Debut’ in Yemen a Disaster

Patrick Henningsen | The CIA and other clandestine agencies could be playing both sides of the conflict.

JIHADI VAUDEVILLE: The Never-Ending ISIS Roadshow Arrives in Yemen

Daniel Spaulding | After over-stepping in Yemen, we can now connect the dots in the ISIS scam.

HEBDO TO HOUTHIS: Saudi Strikes in Yemen Open the Door to More Terror

Shawn Helton | As the proxy war in Yemen escalates – so will the terror.

Henningsen: ‘If your goal is sectarian division – don’t allow in humanitarian help’

Patrick Henningsen | Yemen is being choked-off, with much-needed humanitarian aid being kept away.

Saudi Arabia Openly Arming Sunni Militants in Yemen, Expect a Repeat of Syria

21WIRE + RT | There is NO guarantee that these militants will not be absorbed into ISIS or AQAP.

Did Saudi Pressure Cause New York Times to Change Its ‘Negative’ Headline?

21WIRE | Are US media outlets changing headlines or stories under pressure from foreign governments?

DOUBLE-DEALING: Saudi Flip-Flops on Ceasefire as Yemen Continues to Collapse

21WIRE + RT | After declaring an end to a month-long unprovoked bombardment in Yemen – Saudi Arabia resumed a new round airstrikes.

Operation Fast and Furious Goes Global, As U.S. Floods Middle East With Arms

21WIRE | The Pentagon hangs back in Yemen as American-made jets pound rebels and civilians on the ground.

SMOKE SCREEN: Does New FBI 9/11 ‘Saudi’ Report Deflect From Clandestine Realities?

21WIRE + Global Research | Nothing happens by accident in US politics, and this latest ‘release’ is no exception.

Saudi Bombing Campaign Massacres Dozens of Yemeni School Children

21WIRE + Stephen Lendman | Devastation: Saudi attacks have left over 2,265 housing units totally demolished.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue