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Since March 2015, the US and UK have used client states Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to wage a brutal and illegal proxy war against the country of Yemen. 21WIRE has exposed many aspects of this dark operation which readers can find in our extensive archive of articles, audio interviews and videos here...

The Military-Security Industrial Complex: Brainwashed Public. Endless Wars Presented as “The New Normal”?

Global Research | As the Pentagon’s budget approaches $1 trillion per year, the military-industrial complex has ways to make continuous war seem normal and even necessary.

More Yemen Deception: Fake ‘News’ That’s Mixed Into America’s Mainstream News

Eric Zuesse | CNN Fake News lies about Yemen reporting that the war in Yemen is between “the internationally recognized government in Yemen and against the Iran-backed Houthi rebels.”

U.K Military Industrial Cartel and Tory Government Profit from Mass Murder in Yemen

Vanessa Beeley | The children of Yemen are nothing more than numbers on a BAE balance sheet.

YEMEN: Latest U.K, U.S-Supported Massacre Committed by Saudi Coalition in Hodeida Port.

Mint Press | The genocide in Yemen led by the U.S, U.K-backed Saudi Coalition continues largely unreported in Western media.

Antiwar Report: US Attack on Iran Could Be Saudi-Led, MSM Wants Regime Change

21WIRE + Antiwar.com | If the US is indeed planning to start another proxy war, it will be a long and protracted one because Iran has the power to fight back.

YEMEN: U.S Involvement in UAE Controlled Torture and Detention Centres

Vanessa Beeley | UAE torture and human rights abuses under U.S supervision in southern Yemen.

Can We All Agree That U.S. Officials Are Lying About Yemen?

21WIRE | We’re clearly being lied to about Yemen, and it’s time we all agree to step-up the pace of exposing this lie.

YEMEN: The State Sanctioned Mass Murder that Nobody Wants to Talk About

Vanessa Beeley | State sanctioned genocide in Yemen covered up by “humanitarian” platitudes.

Visiting Terrorist Missile Factories Next Door to White Helmets in Eastern Ghouta

21WIRE | Vanessa Beeley on UK Column discussing Eastern Ghouta, Douma, White Helmets.

#Royal Baby Celebrated Across The World While Yemen Gets Bombed Again

21WIRE | More lives lost in Yemen and another dirty proxy war rages on in the Middle East – is this worth your time MSM?

UK COLUMN: US-UK War Crimes Yemen, Guardian’s Anti-Syria Propaganda, Novichok Lies, Trump’s DPRK Play and More

UK Column News | Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with today’s news round-up.

The Western Left Fiddles While the World Burns

Andre Vltchek | The Western left has failed to honestly address global history.

Henningsen: ‘Are Trump’s Comments Worse Than Bush and Blair’s War?’

21WIRE + RT | This is bad for Trump, but try to explain Haiti for starters.

YEAR IN REVIEW: 2017 Top Ten Conspiracies

Patrick Henningsen & Shawn Helton | We couldn’t make it up if we tried…

YEMEN: Will Saleh’s Death Precipitate US Direct Military Action in a War They Orchestrated?

Randi Nord | US plan in Yemen has been to split the late Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh from the al Houthi movement.

India’s Secret Involvement in the War Against Yemen

Andrew Korybko | India’s growing involvement in the War on Yemen is the clearest indication yet of its fealty to unipolarity.

YEMEN: Ten Myths about Saudi War of Aggression Debunked

21WIRE + GA | Western Media Whitewashes Saudi War Crimes While “Condemning Violence on All Sides”.

The Saudi War of Attrition and Aggression Against the Yemeni People

Geopolitics Alert | Saudis are taking a page directly out of Israel’s handbook.

History Lesson: America’s Renegade Warfare

Consortium News | A history of launching preemptive wars and fighting an ill-defined “global war on terror.”

YEMEN: The ‘New Vietnam’ Could Bring an End to the US ‘Forever War’ Policy

Connor Freeman | Exposing the realities of this conflict and ending the war in Yemen could trigger an anti-war domino effect.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue