William Boardman | Washington and EU double agenda typifies the culture of shallowness and moral relativism which has redefined the proxy war.
In 2014, the US and EU backed a coup d'etat in the Ukraine. What followed shocked the world, with a series of reactions by Russia and the West which are sure to shape the destiny of the region for decades to come. Read about this and more in our extensive Ukraine archives...
Episode #33 – SUNDAY WIRE – ‘The West’s New Global Soviet’ with Pepe Escobar, Brian Gerrish and Basil Valentine
SUNDAY WIRE | What is really behind the West’s to homogenise their world at home and away?
Nuland’s Army: Government Tanks Driving Drunk Through Eastern Ukraine
21WIRE + Zero Hedge | Victoria Nuland’s Ukrainian Army have been deployed into Eastern Ukraine to put down a real grass roots opposition movement to Washington’s violent Fascist Junta in Kiev.
Episode #32 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Euro-Fascism and America’s Culture Wars’ with Mark Hackard and Basil Valentine
SUNDAY WIRE | Find out why the Ukraine is in flames and who’s behind it, and a NeoMaoist ‘culture revolution’ taking shape in the US.
Inventing a ‘Russian Threat’: Washington’s Full-Spectrum Subversion
Mark Hackard | Washington has pulled out all the stops this time, in order demonise and isolate Russia in its own regional sphere.
Episode #31 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Dr Strangelove Arrives in Ukraine’ with Vladimir Suchan and Basil Valentine
SUNDAY WIRE | Host Patrick Henningsen covers the Ukraine situation, the latest from the Bundy Ranch – and more.
‘Nulandistan’ in Ukraine: Cross Talk guest Patrick Henningsen explains how the West spins
Cross Talk on RT | 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen in London joins Moscow’s live debate via satellite.
Dr. Strangelove is Back: Washington Pulling NATO’s Strings in Ukraine
John Pilger | Deception, propaganda and blind ambition – welcome to Washington’s Cuckoo Nest.
‘Western Propaganda Goes Full Tilt’ – Red Ice Radio Interview with Patrick Henningsen
Red Ice Radio | Great talk on one of the best alternative interview programs out there.
Elite Psychopathy: FIRE Everything and Forget the Future
Andrew McKillop | Can we stop them, before they implode our economy and society?
Episode #27 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Zombie Airplanes: The MH370 and 9/11’ with guests Field McConnell and Basil Valentine
SUNDAY WIRE | Explosive new material on Flight MH370 and its astounding 9/11 connection.
Exposed Neocon tool Liz Wahl embarks on rear-guard PR defense tour
21WIRE | Liz Wahl does what any loyal corporate journalist or politician always does – attempting to re-write history.
Episode #26 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Wake Up Now – or Forever Hold Your Peace’ with Shawn Helton and Basil Valentine
SUNDAY WIRE | The week: the hottest news stories of the week, exposing the US media war propaganda machine, Flight MH370 revealed, plus the death of actress Brittany Murphy – and much more.
Doomwatch: Host Alex:G and guest Patrick Henningsen – ‘Bring Back the Bradbury’ and the Ukrainian gold
UKC TV | A race through the big stories this week internationally, including the economy, Flight MH370, the Ukraine’s missing gold and ‘bring back the Bradbury’.
The Latest Heist: US Quietly Snatches the Ukraine’s Gold Reserves
21WIRE + IRD | When they say ‘follow the money’, you better believe it. Now there 33 tons of missing gold from Kiev…
No Act of Conscience: Liz Wahl RT ‘Resignation’ Was Planned Neocon Think Tank PR Stunt
21WIRE + RT | She managed to fool the world – but only for two weeks. Here’s the real story of Liz Wahl’s dramatic resignation from RT…
Western Psychodrama Over Putin Only Pushes World Affairs Further ‘OFF GRID’
Andrew McKillop | International Community defenders are vigorously working the theme that Vladimir Putin is ‘just plain crazy’.
UK Column Live – March 18th – Guest Patrick Henningsen discusses Crimea and ‘Western Oligarchs’
UK Column Live | Dismantling the western media and political propaganda being spun on the Ukraine, Crimea and Russia this week.
Andrew McKillop | Political leaders in the west have fools for advisers, and thus are making one wrong move after another.
Episode #25 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Beyond Gorky Park’ with guests F. William Engdahl, Brian Gerrish and Basil Valentine
SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Patrick Henningsen hosts with special guests F. William Engdahl, Brian Gerrish and Basil Valentine.