SUNDAY SCREENING | Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.
In 2014, the US and EU backed a coup d'etat in the Ukraine. What followed shocked the world, with a series of reactions by Russia and the West which are sure to shape the destiny of the region for decades to come. Read about this and more in our extensive Ukraine archives...
Episode #411 – ‘War for Eurasia’ with guest Joaquin Flores
SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…
New Revelations About Hunter Biden Will Further Damage the President’s Plummeting Polls
21WIRE | Many now believe that the focus on the dodgy dealings of the President’s wayward son – will soon come back and haunt the White House.
UKC News: ‘Is West’s Virtue Signalling on Ukraine Mass Formation Psychosis?’
UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen are joined by guest Iain Davis for the end of week news round-up.
Lindsey Graham Calls for Assassination of Putin, Kremlin says ‘He’s a Drunk Who’s Lost His Mind’
21WIRE | Unhinged Senator from South Carolina attempts to look tough by calling for the execution of the Russian President.
NED: ‘The National Endowment for Attacking Democracy’
Jeremy Kuzmarov | So-called ‘democracy’ org is used by Washington to influence elections and regime change in countries all over the world.
Analysis: An Economic War on Russia Will Have Global Consequences
Caspian Report | A stark look at how this current crisis will damage the global economy.
Racism Thrives in Liberal Western Europe and Ukraine
Steven Sahiounie | These incidents have laid bare the systemic cultural bigotry which still dominates large enclaves in Ukrainian politics and society.
John Mearsheimer: ‘Is the West Responsible for the Ukraine Crisis?’
UnCommon Core | Assessing the real causes of the present Ukraine crisis, the best way to end it.
VIDEO: Ukraine Falls – Why Russia Has Taken Ukraine
Graham Phillips | Another important report by independent journalist Graham Phillips.
INTERVIEW: Former UK Ambassador Peter Ford Warns About NATO Escalation in Ukraine
Patrick Henningsen | NATO has placed Europe, and the world, in jeopardy of a wider military conflagration
CrossTalk: Will Russia ‘Demilitarize’ and ‘Denazify’ Ukraine?
CrossTalk | Host Peter Lavelle talks to guests Patrick Henningsen and George Szamuely.
BREAKING: Putin Places Russian Nuclear Forces On High Alert
21WIRE | Putin orders military to put country’s nuclear deterrence on high alert in response to ‘aggressive statements’ and measures levied by NATO countries.
SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Ukraine on Fire’ (2016)
SUNDAY SCREENING | Inside story on the US and EU-backed Maidan coup when pushed Ukraine into its current quagmire.
Henningsen on GB News: ‘Western Media, Politicians Are Clueless on Ukraine’
21WIRE | The distortion of western media and political narratives being spun around Ukraine and Russia will soon make diplomacy all but impossible.
US Politicians Have Lost the Plot Over Ukraine
21WIRE | How is it that no one in Washington seems to realize they are baiting WWIII?
‘It Could Have Been Avoided’ — Daniel McAdams on Ukraine Crisis
21WIRE | Who is really responsible for this fatal breakdown in diplomacy?
INTERVIEW: Ex-Russian MP Explains What Has Led to Ukraine Conflict
Going Underground | Valuable historical and political perspective to help understand the roots of the current conflict.
UKRAINE: Hysterical Western Reaction, Retaliation – May Lead to Wider War
Peter Ford | It’s the same hysterical reaction by the usual suspects, and with potentially disastrous consequences.
Ukraine Update: Zelensky in Desperate Straits, Extremists Use Human Shields
21WIRE | RT International talks to 21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen to discuss President Zelensky’s recent moves, and why situation has broken down.