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Denmark Heads to Pre-COVID Normality: No Masks or Distancing in Schools, Just Common Sense

Patrick Henningsen | After six months we can see how COVID has revealed the steady drifting into fascism in the Five Eyes cartel.

New DNA Study: ‘Vikings May Not Be Who We Thought They Were’

Inverse | ‘The history books will need to be updated.’

COVID Reality: Why Americans Should Adopt the Sweden Model

Dr. Gilbert Berdine | Once again, the real data has vindicated Sweden, while exposing US and UK debacles.

Swedish Study: T-Cell Immunity is Significant Factor in COVID Herd Immunity

UnHerd | Crucial new data analysis on immune responses should change our approach to the COVID crisis.

Life in Sweden During the Coronavirus ‘Pandemic’

21WIRE | A brief tour of Sweden’s second biggest city, Gothenburg, amid the great COVID-19 ‘crisis’.

Die Hard Swedes: Was Sweden’s Approach to COVID Better Than the Rest?

Journeyman Films | Critics claim that it was risky and wrong, but are they correct?

COVID-19: ‘Lockdown Was Futile’ in UK, Says Swedish Epidemiologist

21WIRE | Expert who shaped Sweden’s winning approach to coronavirus, says UK lockdown is failing on all fronts.

Dr. Ioannidis on Dangers of Collateral Damage from COIVD-19 ‘Lockdown’ Policy

Journeyman Films | Experts show how the Coronavirus threat was exaggerated and why lockdowns should be lifted.

Why Sweden Has Already Won the Debate on COVID ‘Lockdown’ Policy

Patrick Henningsen | Sweden’s results have been as good or better than the lockdown countries – without having to endure the socio-economic chaos we are now witnessing across the world.

CORONAVIRUS: Perspectives from on the ground in Sweden

21WIRE | Why are the western media so determined to see Sweden fail?

COVID-19: Comparing Results of LOCKDOWN vs NON-LOCKDOWN States

21WIRE | If this was an government IQ test, then clearly this was an epic fail for reactionary pro-lockdown governments.

REVEALED: UK Ministers Knew Crisis Had Peaked Before Lockdown, But Panicked Anyway

21WIRE | As it turns out, draconian measures were not necessary, as data clearly showed how infection rates had halved after March 16th.

Sweden vs COVID-19: Why ‘Herd Immunity’ Matters and Why Lockdown Doesn’t Really Work

Unherd | Top Swedish epidemiologist explains why Sweden chose not to destroy their economy, society and democracy in order to contain and treat the coronavirus.

LATEST: Sweden Drops ‘Rape’ Investigation for Julian Assange

21WIRE | Once again, Sweden drops an investigation into alleged sex crimes dating back to 2010.

Swedish Prosecutors: ‘It’s Not on the Cards’ to Interview Assange – After Hanging Arrest Warrant Over Him for Seven Years

Nina Cross | After keeping a European Arrest Warrant over Assange for seven years, Swedish Prosecutors now claim they are holding off on interviewing him ‘for now’, which means the 2010 warrant was wrongly issued.

Sweden Caves to US-UK Pressure, Reopens Assange Sex Case a Third Time

21WIRE + Zero Hedge | It appears Sweden wasted no time in caving to pressure by the U.S. and U.K. – exploiting sexual allegations for political agenda.

Sweden Now Waging ‘Russian Invasion’ Psy-op on its Own Population

ICYMI | It seems that Sweden is the latest country to fall off the edge of reality due to Russian fearmongering.

Saudi Arabia Has No Place On A Women’s Rights Commission – Neither Do Western Countries

Adam Garrie | The UN remain shocked by Saudi Arabia’s ‘Women’s Rights’ position at the UN, but the dollars aren’t being bounced away from accounts anytime soon.

STOCKHOLM: Another ‘Known’ Suspect – Lone Wolf Or Gladio

21WIRE + The Guardian | The Stockholm truck attack; a lone wolf, or something connecting to more sinister manoeuvres.

The Who, What, Why of the Sweden Car Attacks

Prof. Marcello De Noli | An examination of the causes of the Swedish car attacks

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