Kurt Nimmo | Washington’s planned subversion operations inside Russia well before Moscow’s intervention in Ukraine.
INTERVIEW: Peter Ford on UK’s Back-to-Back Covid and Energy Debacles
TNT Radio | As they continue to blame the coronavirus and Putin for all their woes, will our politicians ever be held accountable for the mess they created?
Putin: Russia May Adopt US-Style ‘Preemptive Strike’ Doctrine
AP | The Russian President warns that his country could adopt the U.S. concept of using preemptive military strikes, noting it has the weapons to do the job.
Henningsen Explains Putin’s Scathing Rebuke of ‘The West’
21WIRE | Washington’s attempt to prop-up Ukraine as a NATO protectorate and engaging in asymmetric terror attacks – will only bring the world closer to a nuclear confrontation.
US Republicans Who Want Diplomacy with Russia Are as ‘Pro-Putin’ as Reagan was ‘Pro-Soviet’
Rachel Marsden | Liz Cheney invokes Reagan to bash any Republican who wants talks with Russia, only it’s exactly what Reagan would have done.
Putin Warns of Kiev Dirty Bomb False Flag, Calls Out NATO’s ‘Dangerous and Dirty Game’
21WIRE + Reuters | Putin calls out the West: ‘Their game is dangerous, bloody, and I would say dirty.”
Video and Text of President Putin’s Speech on Accession of New Territories
21WIRE | Putin marks the incorporation of new regions, and defies the “colonial” West and its rampant culture wars.
Russian Oil and Gas Revenues Surplus – More Than Triple to $167 billion
21WIRE | Russia’s current-account surplus so far in 2022 is more than triple what it was a year ago.
NATO Says It Will Defeat Russia on Battlefield? Putin: ‘Let Them Try’
21WIRE | Russia’s president says the prospects of a peace deal in Ukraine grow dimmer the longer the West eggs-on Kiev.
INTERVIEW: Igor Lopatonok, film director, ‘Ukraine on Fire’
TNT Radio | Discussing the colossal disaster for both Ukraine and the western economies, as well as the future of actor-comedian president Zelensky.
Grain Prices Drop 10% After Putin Gives Assurance for Ukrainian Ports
21WIRE | Putin issues powerful price signal to the global wheat markets.
Carlson: ‘Here’s Why the Democrats Are Taking Us to War With Russia’
21WIRE | Why are the Democrats, and their Neocon partners, so determined to fight Russia “down to the last Ukrainian”?
Explained: How the Ruble Recovered to ‘Pre-war Levels’ Despite Western Sanctions
21WIRE | As the summer approaches, expect more twists and turns in this epic financial war.
US Senator’s Plan to Place Troops in Ukraine to Deter Future Russian Advances
21WIRE | After the dramatic defeat of NATO’s proxy forces in Mariupol, Democrat war hawks now fear they are ‘losing’ the war in Ukraine.
Lavrov: ‘Ukraine Invasion Means the End of US Dominance’
Moscow Times | Has this geopolitical event signaled the end of the old world order?
Analysis of Sergei Lavrov’s Latest Interview
One World | Lavrov calls out the Western agenda, and outlines what to expect next in Ukraine.
Lindsey Graham Calls for Assassination of Putin, Kremlin says ‘He’s a Drunk Who’s Lost His Mind’
21WIRE | Unhinged Senator from South Carolina attempts to look tough by calling for the execution of the Russian President.
Analysis: An Economic War on Russia Will Have Global Consequences
Caspian Report | A stark look at how this current crisis will damage the global economy.
John Mearsheimer: ‘Is the West Responsible for the Ukraine Crisis?’
UnCommon Core | Assessing the real causes of the present Ukraine crisis, the best way to end it.
INTERVIEW: Former UK Ambassador Peter Ford Warns About NATO Escalation in Ukraine
Patrick Henningsen | NATO has placed Europe, and the world, in jeopardy of a wider military conflagration