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Man in UK Arrested for Retweeting a Meme and ‘Causing Anxiety”

GB News | ‘People in this country should not fear their doors being knocked on for sharing a meme.’

Chicago: Lightfoot’s Speed Camera ‘Cash Grab’ Hurts Working Class Most and Little Safety Benefit

Pro Publica | Critics say the mayor’s move was a cash grab that comes at the expense of motorists who can least afford it.

Hong Kong to Require Electronic Tags for New COVID Quarantine ‘Cases’

21WIRE | This is fast becoming a standard ‘people management’ tool to be utilized by certain governments going forward.

Disinformation Board: Leaked Documents Expose Agenda Behind DHS ‘Ministry of Truth’

21WIRE | The DHS had ‘planned to coordinate efforts to leverage ties with social media platforms to enable the removal of user content.’

Woke Capitalism: A Disaster in the Making

Liberty Report | The costliest lesson in all of economic and political history, is that freedom always prevails.

Under Fire, DHS Disinformation Board ‘Paused’, Humiliated Nina Janowicz Resigns

21WIRE | Nina Jankowicz also announced her ‘resignation’, after being exposed for spreading fake news and disinformation in the years prior to her appointment.

Patrick Henningsen: ‘The Ultimate Goal of All Propaganda is War’

Patrick Henningsen | Explaining some of the key players and processes that drive the official disinformation industry.

Watch: Senator Grills DHS Head Mayorkas on Disinformation Tsar

21WIRE | US Senator calls for Biden’s new ‘Ministry of Truth’ to be disbanded immediately.

UKC News: Biden Launches ‘Ministry of Truth’ + Why EU-Russia Sanctions Will Fail

UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up.

Obedience and the Rise of Authoritarianism

Academy of Ideas | Exploring the concept of hyper-conformity and blind obedience in the new corporatized western culture.


SUNDAY SCREENING | Something a little different this week.

‘1984’ – LUKAS LION

LUKAS LION | Hands aren’t the only thing that they want washing…

Ministry of Propaganda Then and Now: YouTube Censorship and ‘Covid-19 Medical Misinformation’

Stephen Karganovic | Silicon Valley’s inelegant solution is to try to ram Big Pharma and government propaganda down everybody’s throat – and it’s likely to backfire. 

Prof. Mattias Desmet on Why People Willingly Give Up Their Freedoms

21WIRE | Belgian professor cautions against the dangers of our current societal landscape and how we might prevent the willing sacrifice of our freedoms.

Are We Already Living in a Brave New World? – Huxley’s Warning to the World

Academy of Ideas | Is it too late to turn back the forces of technocracy?

Archbishop Viganò Calling for ‘Anti-Globalist Alliance’ to Stop the Enslavement of Humanity

21WIRE | Warning the world that a global coup is currently underway, waged by powerful financial and ideological actors.

Mass Surveillance Dystopia: Smartphones and Social Media

Academy of Ideas | Our new virtual hyper-reality is having a profound influence on people’s behaviour, and may irrevocably alter human relations.

Full Interview: Archbishop Viganò Warns Against Vaccine Mandates and ‘New World Order’

21WIRE | American journalist Robert Moynihan discusses the New World Order agenda with the Vatican’s most outspoken critic.

Stand and Deliver: How to Fight Vaccine Mandates and Passports

Dr Joseph Mercola | There’s no middle ground: sooner or later, everyone will have to make a choice: Freedom or slavery.

Social Media – Why it Sickens the Self and Divides Society

Academy of Ideas | Can humanity survive this potential derailment in the evolutionary process? 

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