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Biden Threatens Saudis for Not Pumping More Oil Ahead of US Midterm Elections

21WIRE | This unprecedented move will no doubt have negative consequences for US interests in the Middle East.

City Experts: $2 Trillion Surge in Europe Energy Bills by 2023

21WIRE | Despite all this, G7 governments still have no actual solutions to systemic price gouging by energy marketeers and retail power firms.

US Military Still Stealing Syrian Oil

Steven Sahiounie | The US needs to leave Syria, lift the sanctions and allow the Syrian people to rebuild their lives and communities.

Russian Oil and Gas Revenues Surplus – More Than Triple to $167 billion

21WIRE | Russia’s current-account surplus so far in 2022 is more than triple what it was a year ago.

‘They’re Going to Starve Us and Freeze Us to Death’

Dr. Vernon Coleman | UK government policies have plunged millions into fuel poverty. What next?

Sanctions Are Hurting the West More Than Russia

Independent Institute | Someone needs to inform US and UK war hawks: economically Russia has not suffered by any stretch of the imagination.

The Great ‘Zero Carbon’ Conspiracy and the WEF’s Great Reset

F. William Engdahl | Once again, globalist elites are pulling the Malthusian card to justify their international takeover.

Orban: EU ‘Shot Itself in the Lungs’ with Sanctions Against Russia

21WIRE | Some EU countries are now openly rebelling over the collective economic suicide pact they signed on to, at the behest of Washington.

The Age of Stupid: How Western Politicians Created Their Own Economic Disaster

UnHerd | Breaking down the West’s self-made economic meltdown.

‘Biden Should Be Impeached’ for Giving Away US Oil Reserves

21WIRE | Incompetent leadership and an obsession with the Green New Deal and climate – is now threatening the stability of the United States.

Scam Alert: Ukraine Demands $750 Billion for ‘Reconstruction’ (what could possibly go wrong?)

Liberty Report | Western leaders have already dumped in billions with zero oversight. Will they keep writing checks?

Biden White House is Quietly Modeling For ‘$200 Oil Shock’

21WIRE + Zero Hedge | While Democrats carry on with the Jan 6th dog and pony show, the entire economy is imploding around them.

EU Gives Its Energy Firms Green Light to Keep Russian Gas Flowing

21WIRE | After much wavering, it seems that the green light has now been issued. 

Report: ’10 EU Countries Quietly Buying Gas for Rubles’

21WIRE | Are the western media giving the public a false impression that there is solidarity across the EU on this issue?

Our politicians and media are gaslighting us – Stagflation is here, caused by their insane policies

21WIRE | The mainstream media and political establishment are desperately trying to cover their tracks and insist that our economy is tanking because of Covid and Putin. They have been lying to us all along.

‘No Rubles, No Energy’ – Russia Cuts Off Gas Supply to Poland and Bulgaria

21WIRE | The day has come when European countries finally realised that Russia was not bluffing.

UKC News: ‘Rubles, Guns, Gold and Oil’

UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up.

Ruble Surges After Putin Ditches Dollars and Euros for Russian Oil and Gas

21WIRE | The US plan to ruin the Russian economy may have just backfired in the most extraordinary way.

Gulf States Defy Biden with Assad Visit and Relations With Russia

Steven Sahiounie | Undoubtedly, this is causing panic in Washington and London. 

India Buys Russian Oil, Derailing Biden’s Sanctions War

21WIRE | The Biden Administration is now scrambling to find a way to disrupt this new partnership.

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