Peter Sterry | Oh, those dirty little things one must do these days to move up the foundation career ladder.
Soros-funded Media Matters effort to slander, discredit conservative activist
THEATRE: Forget the government shutdown – it’s about shutting YOU down
Hagmann & Hagmann | All the world is a stage, where Washington wants you to sit down, shut up, and play your passive role.
British Company SERCO under Investigation for fraud related to Obamacare
21WIRE + | To falsify returns once is once too many. To falsify 252 times represents a pattern of behavior.
BREAKING: Unarmed Woman shot dead at US Capitol
21Wire + AP | Something doesn’t pass the smell test on this one.
Big Brother Partially Shut Down: Over Six Thousand NSA Workers Furloughed
21WIRE + Zero Hedge | The real picture about “furloughed” Federal staff is slowly emerging this week.
A Taste of Freedom: Shutdown of U.S. government is a good lesson
21WIRE + WP | Is this a staged bipartisan distraction, designed to conceal what Washington is really cooking up behind the scenes?
Obama angry: ‘They’re trying to mess with me’, as Houses vote to defund Obamacare
21WIRE + Wash Post | Another low-point in White House history, perhaps a product of political narcissism in the extreme.
Senator Mitch McConnell caves on Obamacare defunding effort
21st Century Wire | McConnell’s ‘Chameleon-like’ ways over Obamacare.
Obamacare Sneak Preview: Black teen denied life-saving heart transplant for ‘non-compliance’
21WIRE + RT | This is a good example of the future under a brutal healthcare rationing regime.
Will Obamacare be the ‘Pandora’s Box’ of the Neo-Eugenics Movement?
21Wire + WE | There is no telling what kind of ‘Pandora’s Box’ Obamacare will be.
Obamacare ‘Navigators’ Will Have Unlimited Access to Your Personal Data
21WIRE + Rare | How will your personal information be secure, in an age of abuse?
Obama’s Executive HIV Initiative: Billions in Profits, Heading to Global Financiers
21st Century Wire | Obama’s HIV testing scheme was already in the works with the UN, and now big pharma and banks stand to make a killing.
Would you take a mandatory HIV test?
21st Century Wire | We’ve given you the facts. Now it’s time for you to give us your opinion.
Executive Order: Obama mandate now seeking HIV tests for US citizens
21WIRE + WH | What other future mandates will government have for us, after this very dangerous precedence has been set?
Dr. Benjamin Carson Upstages Obama at National Prayer Breakfast
21WIRE + YouTube | John Hopkins U’s Dr Carson causes the President to squirm in his chair, as he schools Obama.
Obamacare: Pure Deception Against Working People
Dr Paul Craig Roberts | Hundreds of billions of dollars are siphoned from Medicare to help pay the cost of Obamacare.
Obama may ‘allow’ religious employers to remove contraceptives from benefits
21WIRE + WP | Americans are now completely subservient to the federal apparatus, needing permission for literally everything…