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An Important Message This New Year

Patrick Henningsen | This is why we should not take our independent media for granted.

A POEM: ‘Twas The Night Before CNN’s Christmas…’

Alternate Current Radio | Behind the scenes at CNN this Christmas…

Deconstructing Olivia Solon’s Dim Conspiracy Theory of ‘Russia-backed Bloggers’ Undermining UK FCO White Helmets

UK Column | UK Column News co-anchors Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson deconstruct the Guardian’s latest conspiracy theory.

Understanding The Guardian’s Latest ‘Russia-White Helmets’ Conspiracy Theory

Going Underground | According to The Guardian, everything is a “conspiracy” if it doesn’t fit the official government narrative.

Guardian Newspaper Pushing Fake News: ‘Putin Plotting to Cut Off UK Internet’

21WIRE | Unfortunately for the public at large, rather than investigate and publish real news, The Guardian appear to be inventing elaborate ‘secret Russian plots’.

Media, Politicians Desperate to Protect the Shaky Russia-gate Narrative

Robert Parry | Now mainstream media continue to discredit themselves with endless ‘election meddling’ narrative.

Mainstream Media Fake News: 21st Century Wire Debates American ‘Liberal’ Academic

CrossTalk | Why is mainstream media continuously inserting fake news into the global news cycle?

Kevork Almassian’s Extensive Overview of Western Media Deception on Syria

Kevork Almassian | What can you really know about Syria through western mainstream media coverage?

UK COLUMN: EU Army, More CNN Fake News, Bibi’s Bible Roadshow and More

UK Column News | Co-anchor Mike Robinson is joined by guest host Patrick Henningsen with all the top stories in Europe, the US and internationally.

CIA’s Pompeo: ‘Assange Shouldn’t Be Confident of Protecting WikiLeaks Sources’

21WIRE + RT | CIA head ready to disregard basic press freedoms enshrined in the US Constitution.

ABC News Suspend Anchor Brian Ross Over Fake News Report on Trump-Flynn ‘Russian Collusion’

21WIRE | In this sea of delusion, there are still desperate media personalities willing to punt on any contrived Russian plot.

What to Expect From BBC Panorama and Guardian’s Whitewash of UK Gov’t Funding Terrorists in Syria

21WIRE | Here’s what the BBC will NOT cover in tonight’s Panorama report, “Jihadis You Pay For”.

MSM Masterpiece Theatre: Claims of ‘800,000 Secret Documents About Assad’s War Crimes’

21WIRE | An unbelievably desperate move by the US-UK establishment in order to cover-up their own crimes over the last 7 years in Syria.

White Helmets & ‘Local Councils’ – Is the UK FCO Financing Terrorism in Syria with Taxpayer Funds?

Vanessa Beeley | Our government and its taxes-to-support-terrorism policy is our responsibility.

Meredith Corp. and Koch Money Buys Time Inc., ‘Left’ Goes Bonkers

21WIRE | The ‘Left’ is outraged at the Koch money flowing into Meredith’s newly expanded media operation.

Bezos-Owned Washington Post Running PR for Bezos-Owned Amazon ‘HQ2’

21WIRE + FAIR.org | The Amazon Washington Post: All the free PR that’s fit to print.

Pay to Play Censorship? Facebook Wants to Charge Publishers Access to Their Newsfeed

21WIRE + RT | Facebook is taking its corporate censorship to a new level now – in a bid to hide independent media from its user base.

UK COLUMN: Monday Morning Mainstream Media Fake News Fail

UK Column | Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with today’s UK and international news rundown.

New Survey Shows No.1 Fear of US Citizens is Government NOT Terrorism

Matt Agorist | America’s security and ‘freedom’ delusion laid bare in new survey.

SUNDAY SCREENING: John Pilger’s ‘Media and War: Challenging the Consensus’

SUNDAY SCREENING | This week’s documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue