21WIRE | This radical left-wing controlled opposition group is now turning its sights on vaccine skeptics and pro-freedom demonstrators.
On January 20, 2020, Joe Biden was inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States, and despite his grand calls for "unity," he has already become on of history's most partisan and divisive Presidents. Will Biden be able to endure his first term in the White House? Also, how effective with the Democrats' foreign policy be with so much political division at home? Explore our Biden archive for answers...
Pharma’s New Shock Troops: Antifa Attacks Anti-Vaccine Mandate Protest
Did President Biden Order FBI to Raid Press Outlet to Cover-up Diary Scandal?
Jonathan Turley + Conservative Brief | Will this become Biden’s Watergate? There are a host of unanswered questions.
Why No One Can Force You to Get the Experimental COVID Injection
Dr Joseph Mercola | You cannot have a vaccine that is both for emergency use and a ‘licensed’ product at the same time. That’s against the law, but the government has done it anyway.
New Evidence for Infanticide in Creation of Fetal Cell Line for COVID Vaccine Testing
Jon Rappoport | Given the weight of the evidence presented, all people of faith now have strong case for refusal on religious grounds.
REALITY: Failing Media Want to Resurrect Their Monopoly on Misinformation
21WIRE | Mainstream media continue to elevate Trump as the biggest existential threat to freedom and democracy in the US.
Narrative of a ‘Perfect’ 2020 Election Erodes With Wisconsin Now Investigative Ground Zero
21WIRE | The narrative of a ‘perfect’ 2020 Election further erodes with Wisconsin now investigative ground zero for systemic election fraud.
13 European States Call for Israel to Stop Building 3,000 Illegal Settlement Homes
21WIRE | A day after US rebuke, UK, France and Germany are among countries saying Israel should ‘immediately’ scrap project
Divider and Chief: Extreme Politicization of DOJ by Biden Administration
21WIRE | To make matters worse, former president Obama decided to weigh in.
‘Progressive Couple Thrilled With Latest Mandates’
Babylon Bee | Will Joe’s never-ending list of mandates stop the spread or will it leave you trapped in The Matrix?
American Identifies as Mexican to Avoid Biden Vaccine Mandate
Tyler Fischer | Turns out the solution is easier than you thought.
MSM Partisan America: ‘You’re Being Instructed Not to Notice This’
21WIRE | Reactionary lockdowns and social justice riots have damaged both the national and local economies, not to mention tearing society apart. And the media do not want you to talk about it.
And the Nomination for the Double Standards and Hypocrisy Hall of Fame…
Ethical Alarms | Since 2020, the Democrats and their loyal media have tried to make it a crime against the state to point out the obvious anomaly in the notorious 2020 Election.
FDA Panel Votes 17-0 to Allow Experimental Pfizer Injections for Children 5-11 yrs
21WIRE | Another round of non existent government regulation paves the way for infinitely more risk, and billions in profit for the manufacturers and their investors.
“Let’s Go Brandon” by Bryson Gray (MUSIC VIDEO) [Ft. Tyson James & Chandler Crump]
Bryson Gray | Despite being banned from YouTube, the song has reached the number one spot on the iTunes and other music charts.
Vaccine Mandate: Joe Biden Mocks Calls for ‘Freedom’ at Town Hall
21WIRE | In a bizarre display, Biden openly mocks vaccine skeptics for citing their Constitutional rights in opposing medical apartheid.
Pivot to Asia Redux: After 9/11 Anniversary, Washington Eyes China
Dr Can Erimtan | Will Biden be able to successfully complete his predecessor’s pivot to Asia, or will the US be supplanted by China a the Pacific hegemon?
Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Triggers Mass Walkouts, Protests in Businesses Across America
21WIRE | Tens of thousands of first responder workers will soon walk-off the job rather than be forced to inject the experimental corporate product.
US Pilot Speaks Out Against Biden’s Authoritarian Vaccine Mandate
21WIRE | ‘I am not going to be coerced into doing something I don’t believe in.’