Stuart J. Hooper | Tune in to learn about the plight of Reverend Edward Pinkney, facing jail time for daring to attempt to recall a corrupt Mayor in Benton Harbor, Michigan.
More than any other nation in the Middle East, none have experienced the total devastation like the country of Iraq - suffered mainly at the hands of the United States, and still continues to struggle to overcome decades of war and economic depravation. Can it play a pivotal role in the region going forward? All this more...
Free Rev. Pinkney; Austerity; ISIS work for West; Jihadists with Nukes
ISIS: Raging on the Internet, but not in the Mosque (and don’t blame the web)
21WIRE + Robert Fisk | When the mainstream media agrees to revisit 9/11, then maybe, just maybe – we can talk about ‘the internet’.
The Endgame of US ‘Islamic State’ Strategy: ‘Keep Arabs Divided, Rule Over Them’
Nicola Nasser | How ISIS was created by the US-led Coalition in order to divide pan-Arab unity – and rule over the Middle East.
Episode #58 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Freedom or Fascism?’ Patrick Henningsen with guest William Engdahl
SUNDAY WIRE | All the latest and hardest news from around the world and beyond…
ISIS Sex Slave Market is Modern Repeat of Barbary Pirate Trade
21WIRE + RT | The lawless, moral-less ISIS cult, where Iraqi and Syrian girls under nine years of age are fetching the highest prices.
CIA Propaganda War: Did ISIS Mortars Really Hit US Embassy In Baghdad?
21WIRE | Make no mistake, this is a propaganda war.
Dear Mr. President: Why is U.S. ‘Humanitarian Aid’ Going Straight to ISIS?
21WIRE + Daily Beast | US AID foodstuffs, medical supplies – even clinics – are going to ISIS. But that’s not all…
Obama’s Plan For a ‘No-Fly Zone’ Over Northeastern Syria, After US Midterm Elections
Patrick Henningsen | A look inside what Washington has planned over the next 6 months in Syria.
Devil’s Deal: US-Backed Syrian Rebels Already Signed Pact with ISIS Prior to Haines ‘Beheading’
21WIRE + RT | The Syrian rebels have already aligned themselves with ISIS in order to take out the Syrian government.
Staged Foley, Sotloff Beheading Videos ‘Not Evidence’, US Determined to Wage War of Fear on Its Own People
SPECIAL REPORT | Beyond the media Blitzkrieg however, all we really have are two edited propaganda videos which were uploaded to YouTube.
USAID: A CIA Front ‘In Desperate Need of Adult Supervision’
21WIRE | How reckless can a Federal agency and its contractors be?
Episode #47 – SUNDAY WIRE: Shawn Helton LIVE from ‘Baghdad to Gaza to Ferguson’ with special guest Jason Casella
SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Shawn Helton presents the latest on Iraq-ISIS, Israel-Gaza, Ferguson, and the fight against The NDAA with special guest Jason Casella.
Episode #40: SUNDAY WIRE – ‘New Iron Curtain: Land Grabs and YouTube Censorship’ with Guests Bud May and UK Column
SUNDAY WIRE | The iron curtain is being drawn on both sides of the Atlantic…
Iraqi PM Maliki Expected to Resign Under Pressure As West’s Destabilization Campaign Rolls on
21WIRE + RT | Sunni Muslims are wanting to throw their weight around more, behind a new ‘more inclusive’ Iraqi gov’t.
Divide and Rule: US State Dept Plan to Split Iraq Along Sectarian Lines
Andrew McKillop | Navigating the present ISIS Crisis in Iraq is tricky and chaotic, but history will play an important role in its outcome.
Beyond a Doubt: Our Media War Propaganda and The Film You Almost Didn’t See
21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | John Pilger has made twenty five documentaries, but this one did not receive a warm reception from the Anglo-American establishment.
Henningsen: ‘West only attacking countries who can’t fight back’
Going Underground | Patrick Henningsen says the UK’s involvement in Iraq is still creating radicalization at home – and the government doesn’t seem to want to learn from its mistakes.
Pat Tillman 2.0: Tale of Sgt. Peralta’s ‘Iraq War Heroism’ in Fallujah Was Total Fiction
21WIRE + Wash Post | Even after their deaths, soldiers are still shamelessly used as pawns of the military establishment.
Busted: US Army Recruitment Racket Worth Millions
21WIRE + WP | Great little scam which has gone undetected for the better part of a decade.
You’re Barred: Cocktail barman attempts citizen’s arrest on Tony Blair in London
21WIRE + RT | Is Twiggy Garcia 21st Century Wire’s Man of the Year?