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The Story of Washington’s Economic Hitmen

21WIRE + Studio Joho | A brief animation which shows how transnational corporations seize target countries, by using a special brand of predatory capitalism.

The Democracy Deception: 70% of ‘Not Free’ Countries Receive US Military Aid

21WIRE | Despite the lofty rhetorical, the US is not the least bit squeamish about arming most of the world’s despotic regimes.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘The History of Oil’ (2006)

SUNDAY SCREENING | The story of black gold and the Empire it built.

NATO Relocates Middle East Airbase from Turkey to Jordan

Andre Vltchek | The huge Incirlik NATO air force base is slowly moving from Turkey to Jordan.

Outlaws and Sheriffs in the Wild Wild Mid-East – A Birds Eye View

Andrew Korybko | Five interconnected events took place over the past week in powerfully shaping the future of Mideast geopolitics.

Reflections on a World Gone Mad and Pushing Back against Neocolonialist Thuggery

Andre Vltchek | Western culture is, after all, based and built on slavery.

US Serial Imperial Aggressions have Pushed ‘World Peace’ to Brink of Extinction

Francis Boyle | The US are the terrorists! They terrorize the entire world!

What a Wonderful World – US Saviour Complex

Bruno Guigue | The collapse of the US empire would be a cause for universal celebration

SYRIA: Deir Ezzor Liberation Heralds Victory over US Coalition Regime Change Plot

Finian Cunningham | We should expect the global battlefield to shift.

President Assad and the Syrian Armed Forces have Shaken US Hegemony to the Core

Thierry Meyssan | In this iron era, the Assad strategy alone allows us to stand tall and free

AFGHANISTAN: Examining the Myths, the Lies and the Legends ~ Andre Vltchek

Andre Vltchek | Afghanistan is right here, unravelling the lies, myths and legends

The Western ‘Justice’ System: Based on a “Might makes Right” Mafia Ideology

Andre Vltchek | In a world ruled by brutal and unbridled imperialism, the only honorable place to dwell in is jail

PHILIPPINES: President Rodrigo Duterte – ‘There is not a Whimper When Powerful Nations Bomb Civilians’

RT | President Duterte speaks truth to power and exposes the Imperialist human rights complex.

AFGHANISTAN: A Stunning but Terribly Scarred and Injured Land

Andre Vltchek | The NATO legacy: ‘Misery is everywhere, destroying the country’

GREAT BRITAIN? The Bourgeois Petty Tyrants, Buffoons and Criminals Strutting the World Stage

Finian Cunningham | Britain with all its delusions of grandeur is in for a rude awakening

SYRIA: The US Peace Council Responds to Attacks from Within Anti-War Movement

Vanessa Beeley | The US Peace Council reports on visit to Syria and responds to NATO Left detractors.

PROPAGANDA: Star Trek Beyond – Social Justice Warriors in Space

Jay Dyer | Once again, tribalists are demonized as “terrorists” for not accepting the US/NATO/UN, or “The Federation” faux liberal imperium. This film is blatant Pentagon propaganda.

Syria White Helmets: NATO’s Shadow State Project Blueprint

Vanessa Beeley | The Syria White Helmets and the NGO Complex, NATO’s shadow state building project

The “Arab Spring”: Seduction of the Delusional Imperialist Left

Donnchadh Mac an Ghoill | The Gaslighting project to “seduce” the anti-war movements and deluded Left

FRANCE STRIKE: ‘The Workers Fight Back’

Gearoid O Colmain | France spontaneously combusts as labour law reforms and extended “state of emergency” ignite nationwide protests and riots

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue