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Syrian Army Tiger Forces Release New Video ‘Trolling’ Jihadists in Idlib Governorate

AMN | Another video taken by a Syrian Army spy behind jihadist lines in the Idlib Governorate.

Russian Air Force ‘Stalking’ Jihadists Over Idlib, Syrian Army Prepares for Offensive

AMN | Russian and Syrian forces are using air reconnaissance and local spies in preparation for an upcoming offensive.

Russian Air Force Hammers Terrorists in Southern Idlib

21WIRE + AMN | The Russian Air Force continues to soften terrorist strongholds as the Syrian Arab Army prepares their long-awaited offensive in and around Idlib.

Syrian Army Spies Taunt Jihadi Militants in North Idlib with Videos

AMN | This ‘psychological warfare’ adopted by the Syrian Army is meant to negatively affect the morale of jihadi militants as they prepare for battle.

The Road to Idlib and Beyond, Where Next for Syria?

Peter Ford | A number of other challenges, however, lie ahead besides Idlib before the Syrian government can rest easy. 

‘White Helmets Constitute a Real and Potent Threat to British National Security & Safety of British Public’

Dr Marcus Papadopoulos | “White Helmets are some of the most violent and depraved people you will ever come across in this life.”

Lights, Camera, Action! The White Helmet Scene Spoilers.

Fatima Haydar | White Helmets – “when the liars deceive the whole world in a single heartbeat.”

VIDEO: Syrian Army Spy Behind Enemy Lines in Idlib

21WIRE + AMN | An up-close look at the advanced planning that must take place for a pivotal military operation.

SYRIA: The Terrorists and their Backers, Including U.K, U.S Media are “Loathsome, Uncultured and Malignant”

Marcus Papadopoulos + Syria Times | “Syrian soil will remain Syrian, not American or British”

Dangerous Escalation: US-Backed ‘Free Syrian Army’ Shoots Down Russian Jet, Kills Pilot

Daniel McAdams | US-backed, US-supplied jihadist group in Syria uses US weapons to shoot down a Russian plane.

UK COLUMN: One Belt One Road and Other Top Stories to Watch

UK Column News | Co-anchor Mike Robinson is joined by guest host Patrick Henningsen with all the top stories in Europe, the US and internationally.

Syrian Government Condemns Turkish Military Invasion of Idlib Province

21WIRE + SANA | Syria condemns in the strongest possible terms the incursion of Turkish army units into Idleb province.

Hersh: Trump Knew ‘Assad Sarin Attack’ Story Was Fairy Tale – But Launched Cruise Missile Strike Anyway

Ray McGovern | Trump reacted to local “activists,” including some closely tied to the jihadists, quickly uploaded all manner of images onto social media.

Intel Vets Slam Trump’s ‘Chemical Weapons’ Fraud in Syria

21WIRE + VIPS | Trump’s new Secretary of Defense “Mad Dog” Mattis traveled to Israel to help shill for an escalation of war on Syria – citing another fabricated WMD case.

SYRIA: Evacuation Bus Blast – Numerous Killed On Aleppo Outskirts

21WIRE + RT | A blast has ripped through a bus convoy in Rashidin, on the outskirts of Aleppo killing numerous civilians including humanitarian workers.

SYRIA: President Assad Speaks to AFP on Alleged Khan Sheikhoun Chemical Attacks

SANA | President Assad speaks to AFP and destroys the chemical weapon narrative with scathing logic

BREAKING: Fox News Tries to Censor Truth on Idlib Alleged Chemical Attacks from Ray McGovern

21WIRE | Fox News fighting to black out truth on Idlib chemical attacks

Without Evidence, Trump Launches 59 Cruise Missiles, Destroying Syrian Air Force Base

21WIRE + The Guardian | Trump caves into pressure from the Deep State and Israel – to strike the Syrian government.

Boiler Room #104 – War Sells… But Who’s Buying

Boiler Room | Trump/NATO strikes Syria over unproven chemical attacks, resurrecting the lies of Obama’s ‘Red Line.’ Hesher, Spore, Jay Dyer, Patrick Henningsen, Andy Nowicki and Infidel Pharaoh.

More Fake News: Western Media Blames Russia for Deadly US Airstrike on Mosque in Syria

Marwa Osman + RT | “80 percent of the news about wars in the Middle East is fabricated.”

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