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GLADIO GOES GLOBAL: Gangs and Counter Gangs in Europe, Northern Ireland, Iraq and now in Syria

21WIRE | To understand today’s geopolitical chaos, we must first understand the methods used to destabilize us both at home, and abroad.

SYRIA: ‘NATO’s Secret War’ with Russia – What You’re Not Told by the BBC or MPs

Indy Media | An excellent round table discussion this week – about a subject too complex, too deep for the mainstream media.

Episode #113 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘From Paris to Palmrya’ with host Patrick Henningsen, guest Gearóid Ó Colmáin

SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

GLADIO Goes ‘Full-Retard’: Belgian Hive Mind Sees Residents ‘Fight Terror’ By Tweeting Pics of Cats

21WIRE | This is the most pathetic attempt yet to cultivate a sheep-like mentality, herding the public into the establishment’s over-the-top ‘security theatre’.

France FUNDED Syrian Rebels, AKA Radical ISIS Terrorists, To Overthrow Assad

21WIRE | Bottom line: France has been funding terrorism in Syria since at least 2012.

DAILY SHOOTER: Historical Guide – ‘When Mass Shootings Were Real’

James Tracy | Journalists covering mass shootings twenty or more years ago usually relied predominantly on local police officials and eyewitness accounts to chronicle such events.

‘Je Suis CIA’ – False Flag Internationale

Larry Chin | To the naïve ones who believe the lies and march on the streets carrying the signs, you are the pawns.

GLADIO STRIKES: Explosion at Peace Rally in Kharkov, Ukraine

21WIRE + RT | Gladio sought to eradicate any form of political dissent, is Kiev looking to do the same here?

Hebdo Part Deux in Denmark: ‘ISIS-Inspired’ Gunmen Attack Cartoonist and Synagogue

21WIRE | If this was a false flag, the staging could not have been any better.

Hollande Defies Hebdo False Flag, Calls for Greater Autonomy in East Ukraine

21WIRE + RT | Hollande says that the eastern Ukrainian regions of Donetsk and Lugansk need autonomy from Kiev.

OPERATION GLADIO: A Warning to Syriza and Greece?

21WIRE + RT | Is Operation Gladio sending a message to Greece that their policy direction needs to remain in favour of Western financial interests?

HEBDO CHASE: Anti-Terror Raids ‘Rolled Out’ After Paris Attacks Fraudulent Narrative

21WIRE + RT | The Paris Attacks served as a jagged catalyst for the security apparatus and media, while clouding the public conversation with highly deceptive propaganda.

Episode #68 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Terror’s Theatre Bizarre’ with guests Kurt Haskell and Jay Dyer

SUNDAY WIRE | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…

The Charlie Hebdo False Flag in Paris: Theory, Evidence and Motive

Stuart J. Hooper | A definitive article presenting a theory of false flag terrorism in relation to evidence and motives available for the case of the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris.

Episode #67 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘C’est Masterplan de Paris Terror’ with guests Tony Gosling and Kurt Haskell

SUNDAY WIRE | Exposing the Paris ‘Double Terror Siege’ and the global propaganda circus unleashed around it.

New Twist: Charlie Hebdo Police Investigator Turns Up Dead, ‘Suicided’

Morris + Sputnik | Yet another bizarre coincidence, which further strengthens the false flag case.

CFR: French Admit To ‘Following’ Kouachi Brothers Before Magazine Shooting

21WIRE | US media are currently coalescing around a new set of talking points to confront this embarrassing detail.

TIMELINE: French Police in ‘Hot Pursuit’ of Hebdo Suspects in Village (press not allowed in)

21WIRE SPECIAL REPORT | How long will the two fleeing brothers survive in Europe’s largest-ever manhunt?

PARIS MAYHEM: French Connection – Gladio Elements in the Charlie Hebdo Incident

Jay Dyer | All the same villains and cast of characters that come to play in the vaudeville variety show that is the global war on terror.

PARIS SHOOTING: Charlie Hebdo ‘Magazine Murders’ Reveal Evidence of Deliberate Staging

21st Century Wire | What was the real motive behind the ‘magazine murders’ in Paris?

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