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While You Slept: Congress Gives NSA Even More Spying Power

21WIRE + Rare | Everyone should be upset by this latest sneak-move from US lawmakers…

Pentagon Funds ‘Cold War-Style’ Science Study To Track and Steer Mass Civil Unrest

Shawn Helton | A new social science program recalls a failed foreign policy research program from the Cold War.

Pass Me the Twinkies and the AK47: Mainstream Media Lost in a ‘D-Generation’

Andrew McKillop | Today’s brainwashing is more advanced, more complex and many times more dynamic and pervasive than anything that 20th century autocrats could have imagined.

Martial Law Feasibility Study for the ‘Homeland Security Society’

SARTRE | Do you think those 1.6 billion bullets were intended for a bunch of Arab terrorists trying to take over a Walmart, or an airport? Think again.

Amerikan Education: Is it a school, or is it a prison?

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | Should America’s priority be increased educational performance, or increased ‘security’?

Animal Farm Heats Up: Language is First Casualty in War

Waking Times | Whoever controls language controls reality.

Another Corrupt, Unconstitutional US Judge Rules in Favor of the NSA

21WIRE + WP | Judge William H. Pauley III (photo, left), ‘ruled’ that the domestic collection program is legal.

Traitorous US Judge Rules ‘Constitution Exemption’ Zone 100 Miles Inland

21WIRE + RT | As the Nazification of the US Federal Fascist States continues, this ruling will somehow be viewed as “progress”.

Orwellian Irradiated ‘Franken-Foods’ Are The New Normal

Andrew McKillop | From bullets to bread, it’s important to know where your radioactivity is coming from.

Retail Facial Recognition Technology Will Track Customers at UK Petrol Stations

21WIRE + RT | Anything to “improve the customer experience”, but can they keep the government from using it to track us?

The De-Moralization of the West by Hollywood’s Culture Machine

21WIRE + WP | Executives in Hollywood have worked hard to expose younger audiences to extreme sex and violence.

Your address book belongs to the NSA

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | NSA are stealing your e-mail contact lists too. Here’s how they do it…

Brazil president cancels American visit over NSA spying

Associated Press | Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff announced Tuesday that she was putting off a state visit to the U.S. next month to protest an American spy program.

Snowden revelation: ‘NSA is in bed with the Germans’

RT | Is the recent public feud over spying between Germany and wiretapping-happy countries US and UK nothing but political theatre?

Spying on Our Allies: US taps half-billion German phone and internet activities a month

Global Research + RT | Now the Germans are getting targeted by both GCHQ and the NSA.

Loose Ends: Ed Snowden’s ‘magic thumb drive’ and other NSA fantasies

21st Century Wire | It seems surrogates of the state have been out in full force, condemning the actions of the former intelligence employee.

NSA’s Digital Dragnet on Americans: Your Gov’t is Trading Your Info with Mega Corps

Patrick Henningsen | Breaking down the dirty business of data trading between govt and mega corps.

Party Leader Obama instructs students to reject ‘anti-government’ opinions

21st Century Wire | Selling his vision of the “Homeland”, but where is he taking America?

VIDEO: The Next Generation of Surveillance

YouTube | AI is now a reality in ‘eye in the sky’ technology and drones.

Britain Has Been Warned – CIA Will Access All UK Government Data

Information Clearing House | The U.S. will not give a clear assurance about the mass collection of data.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue