21WIRE | Rouhani is not mincing words: “They know what we want, and we know what they want.”
Henningsen on Nuclear Negotiations: ‘Iran is taking a page out of Trump’s Art of the Deal’
Israel, Netanyahu Fear Trump May Agree to Diplomatic Talks with Iran
21WIRE | There is now a growing worry in Israel that the US might engage in constructive talks with Iran.
France profits from lucrative Saudi maintenance contracts, repairing ships that ensure Yemeni children starve.
Mediapart | Lucrative maintenance contracts between France and Saudi Arabia sustain humanitarian blockade of 27 million Yemenis.
France Censures Israel’s Claim of ‘Sovereignty’ Over Golan Heights, Cites Int’l Law
21WIRE | Washington is now invoking the bible as justification for Israel’s land-grab of Syrian territory.
Episode #266 – ‘Groundhog Politics’ guests Teodrose Fikre, Vanessa Beeley
SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield – this is your brave new world…
GILETS JAUNES: Civilians in Police Crosshairs as Macron Adopts Totalitarian State-Practices to Suppress Dissent
Vanessa Beeley | France has been turned into a battlefield, security forces deploying disproportionate force against unarmed civilians.
Germany and France Agree to Form New ‘Joint European Army’
21WIRE | As France’s Yellow Vests begin their 10th week of civil demonstrations, political leaders continue to forge ahead with implementing more federalized European structures.
EUROPEAN SPRING: Italy’s Salvini Warns Germany and France an Uprising is Coming
21WIRE | Europe continues to tear at the seams, as popular movement continue gaining traction in 2019.
Yellow Vests Pan Europa: A Revolt Against the Post-Democratic Status Quo
Dr Can Erimtan | Is this the opening shot of a coming civil war which could engulf the EU and greater Europe?
Italy Avoids EU Sanctions, But Will Austerity Attract the Yellow Vests?
21WIRE | The ‘Yellow Vest’ movement in France is threatening to spill into neighboring Italy, but will it be anti-Italian government movement or anti-EU movement?
‘How the West Eats Its Children’ – France Leads the Way in Challenging Financial Globalisation
Thierry Meyssan | The French have become the first Western population to take personal risks to oppose financial globalisation.
FRANCE: Les ‘Gilets Jaunes’ – A Distress Flare from the People That Macron Should Not Ignore
Diana Johnstone | Those who fear change will not be there to help make it happen. But change is inevitable and it need not be for the worse.
CrossTalk: France’s Yellow Vest Movement & The Neo-liberal Backlash
CrossTalk | What does this portent about the future of France, and the European Union?
‘Macron Regime’ Resorts to Gestapo Tactics to Head-off Students Protests
21WIRE | State police round up scores of students, treating them like criminals in a series of shocking images.
VIDEO: ‘Macron Regime’ Storm Troopers’ Brutal Beating of Yellow Vest Protesters
21WIRE | New video shows Paris riot police hunting down unarmed protesters in the streets, before beating them.
‘Yellow Vest’ Protests Enter Third Week in France – Overview
21WIRE + SouthFront | As protesters take to the streets, Macron’s approval rating plummets.
EU Caving to Trump Pressure on Iran Sanctions, SPV ‘Alternative Mechanism’ Now in Tatters
21WIRE | EU member states proving that they lack the political resolve to stand up to US intimidation.
Israeli Ambassador to France Attempted to Censor ‘Crippling of Gaza Youth’ Report
21WIRE + Antiwar.com | Report investigates the crippling of young Gazans at the hands of Israeli sniper fire.
Global Network for Syria Statement on Impending US, UK, French Military Intervention in Syria
Global Network for Syria | Any military intervention without a mandate from the United Nations would be illegal.
False Flag Fail: How Syrian Civilians Derailed White Helmet ‘Chemical’ Stunt in Eastern Ghouta
Vanessa Beeley | White Helmets chemical attack debacle blown off course by civilian uprising in Eastern Ghouta.