Blake Lovewell | As the globalist Great Reset agenda advances further, the case for cash has never been stronger.
The U.S. Federal Reserve System, also known as "the Fed", is the central bank that prints all the money and regulates the U.S. monetary and financial system. Many believe this the center of power in the American imperial structure. Can the growing U.S. government debate continue indefinitely? Will the dollar survive in its current form? All this and more...
Leading Economist: ‘More War Means More Inflation’
21WIRE | As long as Ukraine is the West’s top priority, stagflation will persist – the only question is how bad it will be.
CBDC in Beta Mode: Get Ready for ‘Fed Coin’
The Blaze TV | They are rolling it out as we speak – it’s now in beta test mode.
Interest on US Government Debt Set to Exceed Total Annual Defense Spending
Epoch Times | US interest payments in the first three quarters of 2022 reached nearly $500 billion.
US Stocks Plunge to Lowest Level Since 2020, As Economy Faces Stagflation
21WIRE | The Federal Reserve’s moves to stave off inflation will slow the economy, stifling Wall Street markets.
Biden Releases Plan to Regulating Crypto, Ushering in CBDC ‘Digital Dollar’
21WIRE | Get ready, they are planning to pull the rug out from under cash.
Scam Alert: Ukraine Demands $750 Billion for ‘Reconstruction’ (what could possibly go wrong?)
Liberty Report | Western leaders have already dumped in billions with zero oversight. Will they keep writing checks?
Michael Burry’s Warning of the Coming Economic Crash in 2022
New Money | Here’s the proof behind the coming epic economic crash.
Jubilee: A Debt Reset
Blake Lovewell | As the people amass to celebrate the 70th year of the Queen’s reign, it’s worth asking: could a debt jubilee be an answer to their prayers?
Sanctions Blowback: Who Will Be Hurt More, Russia or the West?
Renegade Inc. | Will they end up hurting the economies in western countries more?
China: ‘We Have Financial Nuclear Bombs if West Levies Russia-Style Sanctions’
21WIRE | The real question: how will China react should the US and its client states decide to sanction the world’s second-largest economy?
Economic World War: Who Benefits? (And How Much Time is Left?)
Brandon Smith | When it comes to the big collapse, just know this: timing is everything.
The Economics of a ‘World at War’
Alastair Crooke | So what motivated Europe’s zeal to join in this ‘war’?
Martin Armstrong: Why Schwab’s Great Reset May End in Tears
21WIRE | Exposing the motivations and intentions of the WEF leader, and what could be the greatest ‘viral’ hoax in history.
The Carter Zone: Biden in Turmoil as U.S. Inflation Hits 40-year High
21WIRE + Washington Examiner | No, Covid didn’t do this. At every step, it’s been down to some really insane government policies.
International Finance Leaders Meet to ‘War Game’ a Global Financial Collapse
CHD | By now we should know: pay very close attention.
Inflation: Fastest Price Climb Since 1982 – And It Could’ve Been Worse
21WIRE + Zero Hedge | Our governments become very adept at downplaying the true rate of inflation.
Brink of Totalitarianism: ‘Get Out of the Banks and Into Sound Money’
Stansberry Research | Will central banks steer the US and global economy through the coming financial apocalypse, or will they use it to reconsolidate their own wealth and power?
SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘America: Freedom to Fascism’ (2006)
SUNDAY SCREENING | Exposing the systematic erosion of civil liberties in America since 1913.
COVID CRISIS: What Happens When U.S. Fed Creates $6 Trillion on Its Balance Sheet?
Mafiacracy Now | Don’t forget: in the world of Wall Street, banking profits are privatized, while losses are socialized