21st Century Wire | Why have the FBI have asked that we ignore and not comment on all of the photos which are publicly available?
Boston Bombing Stage: An ensemble cast of soldiers, spooks and ‘cleaners’
Why did FBI fake Boston Bomber surveillance video?
BIN | FBI have tried to hide those in the photograph as being part of a for hire black-ops mercenary squad known as Tradecraft.
BOSTON SHOOTOUT: Boston Police and FBI release two different sets of names
21st Century Wire | There’s a contradiction between what was announced on Boston Police scanners and what is being released to the national media via AP and from the FBI.
The Boston Bombing and Terror Drill – Taking Place on ‘Patriot’s Day’
Greg Fernandez Jr. | Examine the evidence and then decide for yourself.
Marathon Runner: Boston ‘Drill’ – Bomb Sniffing Dogs/Roof Spotters/Loudspeaker Announced ‘Not to Worry’ Before Bomb Went Off
21WIRE | More evidence that Boston was a staged drill gone live.
Iraq 2.0: West will now lean on UN to delivery a WMD verdict in Syria
Patrick Henningsen | Washington’s fake WMD issue may take center stage once again – this time in Syria.
Latest alleged ‘chemical attack’ kills 25 in Aleppo, Syria
Daily Star | Although this report has yet to be independently verified, the West will seize upon it to gain a military foothold in the conflict.
Open War Crimes: US and British-Backed Weapons Airlift From Croatia to Terrorists in Syria
Patrick Henningsen | The west are openly and illegally running weapons into Syria, but will the international community act accordingly?
Disclosure: Multiple Proofs That No Passenger Jet Ever Hit Pentagon on 9/11
21st Century Wire | If you’ve ever wondered what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11, then this video will answer all of your questions, including: ‘Where did the plane go?’.
True or False? Three Days Before Shooting “United Way Extends Condolences To Sandy Hook Families”
Gov’t Slaves | More twists to the Sandy Hook narrative…
The Quality of Washington’s Plan to Drag Iran Into a Third World War
21WIRE | US ‘expert’ is openly lobbying for a false flag attack in order to initiate war with Iran.
Bird’s Eye View: Why the Chinese Demand US Gun Control?
Daily Bell | These are memes of the elite – they are phantasmagoria designed to distract us from the truth.
More Terror Fairy Tales: New York Federal Reserve ‘bomb’ plot created by FBI
Patrick Henningsen | The FBI have manufactured so many fake terror plots in America that the public have lost count.
SCARY: Hillary Clinton laughs about possible war against Iran
21WIRE | One of the most crass and cruel speeches made yet – from the Clinton ‘Dynasty’.
‘Future Tense’ – The Rising Expectation of Global Change in 2012
21WIRE | Learn to CHOOSE YOUR PERSPECTIVE – a very scary thing for the elite, as they continue to rely on choosing our perspective for us
Norway Hate Attacks Make Anti-Islam Taboo Cause as Labor Surges
Bloomberg | The Breivik terror story is too outlandish to be believed already – a pure false flag, but by who?
BREIVIK: Norway Massacre Catalyst For Realignment Of Europe’s Right Wing Movements
Patrick Henningsen | Norway rampage is a recipe for civil unrest in Europe, with right-wing activists being pitted against their left-wing counterparts.
RIA Novosti | Norwegian gunman goes for the insanity plea, but the story doesn’t end there…
Stone Pinkerton | THE MK ULTRA GLAZE: Breivik appears to show no remorse or ability to reflect on the incident.
Alan Hart | How much was the mind of Anders Behring Breivik conditioned and warped by Zionist propaganda?