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MH17: Conspiracy, Putin and World War 3

Stuart J. Hooper | While an unthinkable tragedy, the loss of MH17 is not worth World War Three.

Did FDR Know About Pearl Harbor in Advance?

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | The President hoped an attack in the Pacific would ‘unite public opinion behind the war’.

THE REAL INFOWAR: Interview with John Judge circa 1989

Brasscheck TV | Before the internet, researchers collected books, and press clipping files – and radio. Here is one story.

One JFK Mystery: Has The Zapruder Film Been Altered?

21st Century Wire | All we are saying is, something’s just not quite right here…

Are ‘Chemtrails’ Real? New Mainstream Media Disclosure Sparks Debate

21WIRE + Daily Mail | All this money and risk to “cure global warming”? Hardly.

Radio legend Art Bell returns to the airwaves with ‘Dark Matter’

21WIRE + AP | Radio legend Art Bell returns, making another bid for radio supremacy after dark.

‘The Mother of All Conspiracies’?

21WIRE | Have you heard of “The Great Gulf Coast Holocaust” yet? If not, you’re about to right now.

Philip Marshall ‘Murder-Suicide’ – A Lack of Evidence

Greg Fernandez Jr. | The biggest conspiracy theory here… is the one that the police have come up with.

9/11 Researcher Philip Marshall Found Dead: His Book Implicated Bush Administration

BIN + Mail Online | While he was writing his latest book, Marshall believed that his life was in danger because of the allegations involved.

The ‘Keshe Factor’ – A Weirder Twist On A War With Iran..?

21WIRE | Keshe, the ‘Tesla of Physics’, has been offering his technology free to any Government or scientist willing to listen.

War Inc: Inside the Pentagon’s Psychological Operation to Suck the Masses into Their War Machine

Alexander Higgins | Curious how the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history will be taught to future generations?

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