21DOCS | What you will see in this film is shocking, and a lesson for humanity.
Evo Morales: ‘You can’t combat terrorism with military spending or military force’
September 27, 2013 By 2 Comments
OpEd News | Taking further note of his imperialist neighbor to the north, Morales muses, “how does one fight terrorism?”
Both Venezuela and Nicaragua: ‘Our doors are open for Ed Snowden’
July 6, 2013 By Leave a Comment
21WIRE + WP | President Maduro will shelter Snowden under the banner of “international humanitarian rights”.
Morales cuts US down to size: ‘We don’t need your Embassy in Bolivia’
July 5, 2013 By 5 Comments
21st Century Wire | Morales got a major bounce from US gaff, and while Rome burns, Obama plays drums in Africa.
TEAM AMERICA: Suspicion of smuggled Snowden grounds Bolivian presidential jet in Austria
July 3, 2013 By 1 Comment
21WIRE + RT | If there’s a global government in the works, then it will need barriers like borders and national laws to be broken down.