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It is crucial to understand the importance of Russia as an emerging economic and geopolitical power in the 21st century. As the BRICS+ group of countries increases in size and influence, so too will Russia's role as a leader in the new multipolar world order. Russia’s leading role in the BRICS group provides unique strategic advantages while posing serious challenges to the old Anglo-American-led western hegemony. As a civilizational state, Russia is poised to set the pace in a number of key arenas. Follow our Russia archive to learn more...

Assad Pulls Ahead in Syrian War. Putin, Khamenei Are Co-Victors

Debka | March 5 has been set as the date for peace talks to open in Moscow between the Syrian opposition and the Assad regime.

7 Countries Beefing Up Their Militaries in Today’s More Dangerous World

Policymic | The balance of power in the world is changing due to an increase of military spending

New Cold War: Russia, China Coodinate Response Against U.S. Global Missile Shield

Global Research | Both Russia and China raise grave concerns over US plans to build a global missile ‘defense’ system.

BREAKING: Russia ‘Printing Money for Syria’ Claims Latest Report

By Alex Spillius Russia is printing bank notes and sending them by the plane load to Syria to help the besieged regime pay its soldiers and civil servants, a new report suggests. Flight records obtained by the investigative website ProPublica showed that at least 120 and up to 240 tons of bank notes were delivered […]

‘Russian Breivik’ kills 5 over relationship breakup, releases hate manifesto

A Moscow lawyer shot five of his coworkers in the head Wednesday, killing them in a murder spree that targeted those he deemed responsible for the recent end of a romantic relationship. Before the killings, he published a hate manifesto online

The Return of the Mammoth? Russian and South Korean Scientists Sign Deal to Bring Extinct Beast Back To Life

Huffington Post Russian and South Korea scientists have teamed up to recreate a woolly mammoth – a prehistoric creature that last walked the earth some 4,500 years ago. The deal was signed on Tuesday by Vasily Vasiliev, of North-Eastern Federal University of the Sakha Republic and stem cell scientist Hwang Woo-Suk of South Korea’s Sooam Biotech Research […]

Cold War all over again, Russia Counters US Missile Shield from the Seas

Press TV | Thanks to the USA, the world is increasingly becoming militarized.

Russian Election Chief Rips US Elections and Fraudulent Voting Machines

Russia’s Central Election Commission chief has ranked the American electoral system among the “worst in the world.” ­One of the main problems with the US electoral system is the lack of transparency, Vladimir Churov argues in an article published in Wednesday’s issue of Rossiyskaya Gazeta. According to US law, international observers from the Organization for […]

Russia wades into intercepted jet row

Moscow officials say the lives of Russian passengers were put at risk by the interception of a Syrian passenger plane by Turkish jet fighters. 

‘Four beaten when masked men boarded Syria-bound plane’ – attendant

Humiliation, threats and brutal beatings – that’s how some of those on board a Syria-bound plane describe the welcome they received in Turkey. F-16 fighter jets were scrambled to ground the Moscow – Damascus flight. It was carrying over thirty passengers, including small children.

US charges 11 Russians with conspiracy to export high-tech

A US court has charged 11 people with participating in an alleged Russian network illegally exporting high-tech microelectronics and supplying them to Russian military and intel agencies

U.S. to pull the plug on USAID(CIA) operations in Russia

Kommersant | Russian getting wise to Washington’s covert ‘NGO’ game.

‘In the Shadow of Hermes’ – A Documentary by Jüri Lina

21WIRE | How Wall Street bank-rolled the Soviet Revolution.

The Beginning of the End for the U.S. Dollar as ‘World Reserve Currency’

Michael Payne | It’s certainly no surprise that China, widely considered to be the premier economic power of the future, is wasting no time exerting its growing power

Washington’s plan to isolate Iran is drifting towards a profitable stalemate

Patrick Henningsen | There are still massive profits to be made by key players in both the global defense and petroleum industries.

NATO’s Destabilization of Libya: Patrick Henningsen reports on Russia Today

Patrick Henningsen | The West is just carving up Libya.


21WIRE | Who financed Lenin and the Bolsheviks?

Libya says NATO raids killed 718 civilians (so far)

AFP | NATO: “The Gaddafi regime is finished, he must leave office, he must leave the country”.

Welcome to the Violent World of Mr. Hopey Changey

John Pilger | The NWO installed Obama so that the cynical and the credulous can celebrate state violence in its more palatable form.

Ron Paul: ‘We Are Enabling A Future American Dictatorship’

Steve Watson | The President can now order assassinations – including American citizens, operate secret military tribunals, engage in torture, enforce indefinite imprisonment without due process.

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